Thursday, March 15, 2012

He Knows what He Likes

Sweet, Sweet Jesus.....Thank you for the calmness that was sent my way during my recent shopping trip with our 16 year old!!

Folks......have you ever attempted an afternoon of shopping with a 16 year old guy????

Too many stripes....Not my color....Doesn't fit right... I don't like that material.....I'm not wearing that....Are you kidding me?...That's something like they wore in the 60's....Too Many STRIPES!! Too dull looking....It's too hot for that....This shirt is too long....It's just not my style....I don't like wearing college emblems.....I want something that is comfortable and plain...


I'm thinking.....I never knew guys could be so particular when it comes to shopping!  Whatever happened to jeans and a plain ol' shirt?

This all happened on Monday....Yesterday we were back in town shopping for new bedding for his room...

Trista and Ty purchased a new home back in the summer and along with the new home, came new colors!
When you have new paint in the bedroom, you just about have to update the bedding as well.  Did you know that colors are important to some guys?   YEP, they really, REALLY are!

I would like to think that my decorating skills are somewhat fairly decent, but evidently this was not the case when it comes to deciding certain patterns or colors for this 16 year old's room....
I must admit though....guys can be just as good as the lady folks when it comes to knowing what they want....(the colors and look that they would like to achieve in areas that are important to them)

Maybe I should stop and give credit where credit is due...It's not that he is rotten or a difficult person.....NO, it's just that he knows what he likes and what he doesn't like!!......  In my conversations with some of the moms that were shopping  at   the same stores as us,  I discovered that this is now a common thing with guys these days!!  

Don't get me wrong....He is very thankful and appreciative for all that he has....he just believes that if you're gonna spend time shopping, it's best to shop for whatever brings happiness.....

Whew....I think I'll stick with shopping for the girls!!

Maybe I'll just rest today!



  1. That is funny! My 12 year old son is not easy to please either. He knows what he likes, and that is all that he wants! He doesn't like to be bothered with the rest. Get in and get out. I think he is cute!

  2. I think the deal is that he is a teenager, and they ALL want to dress very particular. Nothing to set them apart from the others, and they are still forming their self esteem, which at this point is usually tied up in things and how they look. You have lots of patience!

  3. I understand. My son was and is still like that,only now he shops on his own.This is easier on Mom. :)

  4. My son usually doesn't care what he wears but boy I sure do remember shoe shopping with all four children! It was stressful! :)

  5. Umm, bless you for trying! :)
    Who would of thought it would be soooo hard?

    Take care.


  6. As one who has never shopped with or for a boy, I am secretly glad that it isn't any easier than with a girl. Plus, with a girl, you get the shoulder scrinch and happy face when they find the perfect thing. I guess I'm blessed to be so pink around here!


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