Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm linking with Pink Saturday....hop on over....

Pink Saturday

Sweet Blessings to you all......Have a great Saturday and don't forget to smile at someone today......

shug ~


  1. This is a good analogy of Gods plan for us. Love this.
    Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I had to read this to my husband and then raise my hands and scream because it has been too much of a roller coaster ride for the last two weeks and I don't like roller coaster rides. I will have to remember these wonderful thoughts and trust in God! I am raising my arms and screaming again! I am sure I will live through it!

  3. I love this post! Please come and link with me in Color Connection meme at my PINK Collection entry.

  4. Hi Shug, you give us a pretty in pink blog post with a cool devotional to go with it! I LOVED your robin egg story and picture of the nest. The story did not go where I thought it would, it surprised me with the ending, really divine!!! I think I will copy it for our church.

  5. Very true, life is definitely has its up and downs. I never will be on a real roller coaster again. Once was more than enough for me.

  6. Life is like riding a big giant roller coaster - isn't it? sandie


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...