Friday, February 17, 2012

Where are we Going??

Road Trip.....  Sam, myself, and two fantastic friends (Joe and Marsha)left town, around 5ish yesterday afternoon, for an extended weekend road trip!

Where are we going???  I really do not know!  All I know is that my bags were packed and I was ready to go....Spent the night somewhere last night, but I don't even know what city we were in.  I'm just along for the ride and the antique shopping!  The only thing they told me was that I was limited on my luggage...they didn't say what the weight limit was for my bag, SO...I have at least a hundred pounds of stuff packed into my one bag!!!

We are back on the road this morning and I see NW in the upper right hand corner of the rear view mirror.  This is kinda like a mystery trip for me...

I'll be sure to post pictures as we travel along...

Picture #1....Somewhere in Oklahoma...

Picture #2.....Near Quartz Mountain resort in Oklahoma....

Keep smiling!!
Shug ~ 


  1. What fun!!! Can't wait to find out more!

  2. Ha---I cannot believe that someone as curious as you are doesn't have a clue where you are going... BUT--wherever it is, I'm sure you'll have a great time... Keep us posted and have lots of fun!!!!


  3. Have a good time.Take pictures. sandie

  4. Oooh, mystery trip! How fun! Did they give you any hints about what kind of clothes to pack?

  5. Sounds like great FUN!! ENJOY! blessings ~ tanna

  6. Now that road trip just sounds exciting!!


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