Saturday, January 14, 2012

Brrr, It's Cold Outside...

Brrrr, it's cold outside.    A hot cup of coffee, feet propped up, a warm cozy home, fuzzy wuzzy slippers on my feet.....and it is Saturday.   How can you beat that?

I am loving this!  But, not for long....headed to the church in about 30 minutes.   We have a big day of hanging door hangers in the community!  I am very excited about this outreach, but I am kinda dreading the cold!!

This is what my morning about all of you?
Do you have anything interesting going on today?

I  hope to make my day a beautiful journey!



  1. I love you bleesing for the day. You are such a sweet soul

  2. Bundle up good, Shug!!! Today I'm cleaning out the house, have been all week. Many trips to Goodwill and trying to simplify! Phil is at a church council meeting and should be home soon.

  3. A basketball game to attend, clothes to wash, supper to cook. It's all good even though it is 13 degrees here!

  4. Well hope you are home now and had a great time. I am heading to bed in a few minutes. Ran all day. sandie


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