Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Under My Feet.....

Have you ever experienced a thought from the enemy that sends your imagination into a whirlwind of upsetting visualizations ?  Kinda like there is a battleground that has your mind held captive?

  I was awakened early in the night by thoughts that the enemy kept pouring into my mind....

I am refusing to let these strongholds take over my JOY!  I immediately started praying and in the middle of my prayers, a thought would creep into my mind and before I knew it, there I was, filled with fear all over again....

I was a bit confused....Was the Holy Spirit directing me to Pray?  OR, was it the enemy trying to steal my joy?  I must admit, there are some concerning thoughts going on in my mind right now. 

Psalm 91

"(I) will dwell in the secret place of the most high.  (I) will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  (I) will say of the Lord....He is my REFUGE!  He is my FORTRESS!  He is my GOD!  IN HIM WILL (I) TRUST!
Surely He hath delivered me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence.  HE has covered me with His feathers and under His wings (I) TRUST!  His Truth Is My Shield and Buckler!!  Therefore, (I) am not afraid of the terror by night!  (I) am not afraid of the pestilence that walketh in darkness!  (I) am not afraid of the destruction that wasteth at noon day!  A thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall not come nigh me.  Only with mine eyes shall (I) behold and see the reward of the wicked!  Because (I) have made the Lord which is my refuge, even the most high my Habitation....No plague shall come nigh my dwelling!"

God has given His angels charge over (ME) and MY FAMILY....

I have God's word to stand on!!  Sometimes though, our battles can become very difficult to withstand....
This is when it becomes necessary for us to pull in and ask others to be in prayer with us.....To stand with us and to pray against those things that the enemy would have us believe....

I need my FAITH to arise in my heart, RIGHT NOW! The enemy has already been defeated and I must believe that the pathway that God has already opened is completely sealed off from satan!

Please be in prayer with me today....Pray for the confusion that the enemy is stirring in our minds to be replaced with "Praises and Glorifying God."

I need to march right, into the enemies camp and take back the victory that he is trying to steal from me....I must put satan "UNDER MY FEET."

Blessings to each of you.....



  1. Well blessings and prayers for you today Shug! sandie

  2. Be still and know that HE is God! Let HIM fight your battles for you! Have a victorious day because Christ is the Victor!

  3. Our God is greater than any enemy.Lord please fill each of us with You peace and power.

  4. As Ruth said, God is greater than any enemy... Perhaps you are just tired and maybe overwhelmed by what is going on in your life now... Take a step back; clear your calendar some; take time for yourself ---and recharge your batteries.


  5. I don't believe God's directives to us will ever confuse us, they will be forthright and clear! God brings peace and clarity. Confusion comes from some other source. I will pray for you, Shug.

  6. Well, if your post didn't scare the devil away, it should have! Shug, I'm saying a prayer right now that God will send His mighty angels charge over your thoughts and mind and heart. May God's peace and comfort reside deep within you and let your joy return. Amen!!

  7. Oh how I love to sing that song with my Kid's Church and stomp out that old devil!!!

    I'm bandin' with ya in prayer that the enemy will be destroyed and Gods light will shine brightly on you and your family once again!

    We'll stomp him out!

    God bless and know I will be prayin' for ya sister. :o)

  8. Well, blessings and prayers are with you today...


  9. I will pray for you and yours, Shug. I will pray. blessings ~ Tanna

  10. I'm a little late reading this, but pray that you are doing okay and that you've had a better day! Take care!

  11. YES!! I read this with a little pound in my heart because I totally understand what you are talking about. It's the confusion of whether you are hearing the urgency of the Spirit or the lies of enemy. What I know that I know that I know is that the enemy never calls me or prompts me to pray so I know that when I do, it can't do anything but send a fiery dart in his direction.

    I will get off right now, and send a fiery dart to him for you.

  12. This is a verse I committed to memory this past fall, I have had many of those kind of nights, and God is always faithful to walk through them with us!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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