Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Plans for Tomorrow!!

Hi Y'all....It is now 5:45 and would you believe that I have just now opened my computer for the day. 

I haven't checked emails in about 2 days, have not had time for FB and here I am in the late of the day, writing my post....

I'll confess, I still have on my PJ's from this morning....I know, this sounds horrible..BUT, it is how it is!

I suppose that I am guilty of being TOO busy in my own little world right now, and I have failed to even stop and focus on people or other things going on around me. Christmas shopping isn't even done! 

I do know that I need to slow down and enjoy the season.  I need to enjoy spending more time with family and friends ...As a matter of fact, it is imperative that I do so....  

SO.....TOMORROW.....I am going to treat myself to a morning at the hair salon....after that, I might just enjoy a good ol' Gingerbread Latte or a cup of Peppermint Mocha....

Hugs to each of you!!



  1. Hey Shug! Things are busy at my house too! I am just now catching up on e-mail myself. Have fun tomorrow!

  2. "Tis the season" for sure, but do hope you can "recoup and regroup" and enjoy a latte. Blessings! Love the family Christmas picture. Very cute!

  3. you must take care of your self!!!
    Enjoy your day tomorrow sounds like fun!

  4. I think it's laudable that you spent the day in your jammies! Good for you. We need days like this (pouring and raw here) to re-group.

    Enjoy the latte!

  5. It is a busy time isn't it... Mmmm if I was closer, I'd come and have a gingerbread latte with you!

  6. Sounds like a delightful day to me! Enjoy the blessings of the holidays. As for me, I'm looking forward to the day off tomorrow to hopefully catch up on shopping!

  7. Oh gosh, I hope you're not getting too stressed out over the season. But then we all do, to some extent. I hope you can relax, enjoy, and enjoy the fun and excitement.

  8. Yes Shug, So many times, we do lose the real meaning of Christmas ---because of our own Busy-ness....

    Glad you realize that --and are slowing down some... That is what God would want.

    And --it's okay to slow down from Blogging and FB too....

  9. Hi Shug, sometimes we need to slow down, take a break and just look around at our blessings! I used to be so hard on myself on these days since I felt like I wasn't accomplishing anything, but now it's during those times I hear God's whispers! Take care, so glad you're finding time for yourself! Peppermint mocha all the way!!! Hugs!

  10. Oh I do so understand. I am about 25 steps behind too. Have a great day. Hugs, Marty

  11. I hope you were able to do that! I know it's hard. sandie


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