Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Stories To Tell.....

We all have Christmas Stories that we can tell....Like those special Christmas memories that stand out in our mind...

For me, one of my favorite things as a child at Christmas, was our visit to my grandfather's house...This was the one special time each year, that we would gather there at the old house and spend a few hours of our time with an old man that none of us kids really knew very well......

One might would say....."He was your could you not know him very well?"  The truth is, our only living grandfather was certainly one of those unusual fellas that basically kept to himself.

We knew him as "Papa" and I can assure you that he knew each of us in his heart, but he rarely expressed to anyone how much he loved us.  We just kinda had this silent relationship with him...He might not have been one of those grandparents that shared with the world, his love for you, but ever once in a while, he would give each of us a silent wink or a special little grin that assured us that
he really did love us.

His favorite thing to do at Christmas, was to buy crates of oranges and apples....ever now and then, he would throw in some walnuts or ribbon candy.  As we gathered at the old home place, he would welcome us with all this fruit and he would invite us all in for a time of fellowship.   His eyes and his heart would come to life when the dominoes were brought out....He was a man that loved his dominoes and he would challenge anyone to play him in a game of forty-two!

As young as I was, I understood the wisdom of this man and I understood the history of our family that was hidden deep within the walls of that old house.  Perhaps this was what I really longed for each Christmas season....the opportunity to once again gather as family and to be intrigued by the mystery of the love that I know once filled the home of my grandmother and my Papa.....

Even to this day, I never see a box of oranges, apples, ribbon candy or walnuts without thinking of my grandfather......

(Our grandmother passed away when I was very young, but I could always feel her love, when we visited this home at Christmas!)

Do you have a Christmas memory?  I'd love to hear them.....



  1. What a nice memory. My grandfather was quiet and to himself also. Maybe men of that generation just didn't feel comfortable showing their feelings in a mushy way.

  2. Shug, this is a very interesting and mysterious post! And you changed your header, I like it!! Growing up, my folks didn't celebrate Christmas, we didn't have a tree or anything. The kids at school didn't understand, because I wasn't Jewish, so I was teased. But I have since WAY made up for it!!!

  3. Hi Shug, I didn't have grandparents (all were gone when I came along)--but I did have some Great Aunts on Mom's side of the family... I think there were 7 of them --when I was young...

    One of them was very special to me. Her name was Flora --but we called her Toby (don't know why)... She developed a terrible case of Parkinson Disease --and died when I was about 10... I remember crying and crying... She was so special...

    Her sister, Rosa, lived for many many more years ---but she was not a 'warm fuzzy' person at all... I remember her--but if she loved me, I don't know it.. As she got older, my Mom took care of her. I had finished college and was married when she died. I don't even remember if I went to her funeral or not... I did inherit a nice bookcase from her --which I still have...

    Strange how different personalities in our lives can effect us so differently....


  4. That was a wonderful story and memory Shug! sandie

  5. what a beautiful story, my memories of christmas past that comes to mind tonight is singing the little drummer boy in the little country church I was baptised and married in,it only held probably 50 people and it was dark with only candles lit that christmas eve, I can still smel the old church and candles.

  6. Beautiful post, Shug, with beautiful memories. My grandparents were not well known to us either. We always lived far away and were never there at Christmas. Thank you for sharing this beautiful memory. blessings ~ tanna

  7. First time commenting on your blog; I really did enjoy reading this story about your grandfather and the wonderful memories you have of that time with him celebrating the Christmas time!

    I only had one grandparent living by the time I was born and we had a language barrier, she spoke Polish only, just a few words of English. We moved when I was seven from Pennsylvania to California and she died three years later. I don't have many memories of her other than pictures of her holding me but I do know she loved us.

    thanks for sharing; enjoy the day!



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