Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Trying so Hard...

It's beginning to look a lot like

Christmas around here!!

Just kidding......the above picture was taken at the doorway that leads into my KITCHEN!!

Have you ever seen such a mess?  Will I have to set my beautiful kitchen Christmas tree on top of this mess?   It is certainly beginning to look that way...

I must NOT tell any white lies....I am a bit overwhelmed right now....
So...I do hope you all can understand my reasoning for not making an appearance at your place.    During these past two weeks, my comments have dropped and I know it is because I have struggled just to get a post up....Please don't forget about me!!  I promise to be back in full swing next week.....

I do have a portion of our home decorated for Christmas, and I will be sharing some of  the pictures with you tomorrow...I wanted so bad to make it to Marty's TTT this week, but it just didn't happen...

Thanks to all of you who have stopped by..... and just to let you know, my kitchen and bathroom floor will be put down tomorrow...For now, we are living in only a portion of the house with one end being completely off limits. 

By this coming weekend, I should be able to put everything back in it's place and get on with life....

for now....Please know that I am trying so very hard!!



  1. Do not worry - I think things do drop during the holidays anyway because others are so busy.

    Good luck with your work. I'll still be around.


  2. Shug, I know the feeling. Of being overwhelmed, that is. I desire to visit every blog I follow and leave comments, but it is just not always physically possible. I hope the kitchen of your dreams is realized sooner rather than later. Pretty soon all the dust and noise and disruption will be a distant memory. Hang in there!

  3. I think of you everyday, you were one of my first followers and your inspirational posts make my day always.My heart goes out to you in this difficult time, just keep thinking how beautiful it will be in the end,

  4. Oh, Shug! What a mess, and no wonder you are stressed. But all to a great end! It is hard for me to comment every day, without even renovating! I understand completely!

  5. Messes like this are not easy to live with,even when the end result will be something beautiful.I don't like renovations,guess that's why I tend to be pretty content with how things are.

  6. This too shall pass! Just keep pressing on!

  7. Oh Shug...you know there is light at the end of the tunnel...smile... When all is done you will be sooo happy you took on this project! But right now it's overwhelming...

    Don't overdo...my prayers are with you!

    xoxo Gert

  8. It will be so much fun to have it all finished and everything back in its place! Enjoy! No worries! We all take our times off!

  9. These holiday times are when numbers drop in general, I think because things are so busy for everyone! It is hard having things throw a wrench in at Christmas(our moving last year did the same thing)its not so much how everything looks, but that you are with the ones you love...being loved by the God of the universe! Hang in there!

  10. Dropping by for the first time. I so understand what you are feeling. I have lived through the same thing and it was tough. And, I well understand the feeling of being overwhelmed. I've spent the better part of this year feeling that way due to my Dad's illness that began in June.

    It's nice to meet you and I'll be back for another visit. Blessings to you!

  11. I do know just what those remodel projects are like! They suck the time and energy right out of you!! Hang in there! You will get to the end of it. Don't worry about us, we aren't going anywhere. blessings ~ tanna

  12. Hi Shug, I think alot of people (including us) took Thanksgiving OFF from blogging... SO--if you don't have as many comments as usual, that's probably the reason...

    You are the 2nd person on my blog list who is renovating this time of year. That definitely brings more stress...

    My advice: don't worry about decorating... Christmas will be just as special without it...


  13. I think all I can say is---oh,my!

    Good Luck.


  14. I took an entire week away at Thanksgiving and I'll likely be away a lot this month. We can't do it all, and "IT" is always there when we come back.

  15. Oh you poor thing! Not a good time for a demo but make the most of it and rejoice at the thought of a new kitchen soon! Hugs!!

  16. Girl, what were we thinkin'? To start remodeling projects this time of year? Well, actually my bathroom was supposed to be done earlier and the project kept getting put off. It'll get done, but not when I would have chosen. Oh well, it'll all work out! Hang in there, too! We'll be glad when it's all done.
    Take care!

  17. Shug, anyone who has gone through a remodel understands what you are going through now. So, please rest easy. We are not going anywhere. Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary


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