Monday, November 28, 2011

Stories to Tell...

Geez.....It sure is cold here....around 30 degrees this morning, but I sure do love it!!  I'll take these temps any day over the 105 and above days we had this past summer!!

As they say....You can always add more layers of clothing, but you can only take so many off!!

Isn't this a beautiful picture?  I just love old barns and old tractors....This pictures captures both of them.

I think it's all about the history that draws me into the excitement of taking pictures of old things...

I'm sure that there are so many stories that could be
told, if only we took the time to listen...Perhaps this old barn and this old tractor were the means by which a family was able to survive in years past....

Isn't this the way it is with life?  We all have stories we could tell about our relationship with the Lord...
How, His mercy and grace has shaped our lives...

Day by day and season by season, God loves us and watches over us.... He has been the solid rock that I stand on, He has been the strength that has carried me through some tough times and He still is my strength for today.  I want to make sure that I share God's love  with all those that I come in contact with...If an all-knowing, all-powerful God is willing to share everything with me, then I should be willing to share the stories of His goodness with others...

It is because of my relationship with the Lord that I can share with you how happy and Blessed I am....

* * * * * *

Do you have big plans for today?  My plans are to visit each of you and to catch up on all your post...
see ya later!!




  1. It is because of my relationship with the Lord that I can share with you how happy and Blessed I am....

    * * * * * *

    My plans are to visit each of you and to catch up on all your post...

    Ditto for Chatty...

  2. Hi There, We are home from our trip. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

    Yes, we all have stories to tell---and we need to listen as our loved ones tell their stories... So many times, we don't take time to listen to the stories our ancestors tell... Then --they are gone and we don't know their stories... Sad, huh?


  3. Shug, you are always sharing the Lord and His goodness with your readers. And it is very commendable. God is surely smiling down on you. I know I am always uplifted after visiting. :)


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

14 Boxes

" This is a great day for us all to create our own happiness"   Isn't this a beautiful statement?    Carrying 14 boxes of hous...