Wednesday, November 9, 2011

7 days....

"7 days without prayer makes one WEAK"

I love this!!....  Prayer is a vital bridge between me and my relationship with the LORD!

Prayer was important to Jesus!

Mark 1:35 says.....And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, Jesus went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed."

I do love to fellowship with the Lord during the early morning hours.  Just before dawn, there is always a fresh awakening for me and the quietness gives me the opportunity to truly enjoy my relationship with God.

Prayer is essential in my life and I believe that it is the bended knee that gives me and the strength that I need to make it through the day....

How weak would I be if I did not go to the Lord in prayer....    I can definitely see how 7 days without prayer would make one WEAK!

                                  ~ ~ ~ ~

Blessing, Sweet Friends...



  1. I agree, we need to go to the source of the strength,,

  2. Hi Shug!

    I so appreciate this post! I can't even imagine a day without talking to my Father in Heaven. We have been given that unique opportunity so that He can guide us, bless us, teach us, and help us return to Him. I would indeed be very weak without it!


  3. Amen. I often think that I would be so lost without God in my life. I know I would be eternally lost,but on a daily basis,I need Him.

  4. I can't imagine not praying! It's something that I do throughout the day when I happen to think of a need or for protection of my loved ones and friends or even when I hear the ambulance going by my house.
    Good post, Shug! I agree that 7 days without prayer would make one weak!
    Have a joy-filled day!

  5. We love to think we can solve and do things all by ourselves, but we can't see ahead. Just like children, we need to rely on our Father and asking him what is best. I love seeing your inviting header every time I visit!

  6. I'm going to remember that line!
    Mary x

  7. Hi Shug, YES---prayer is so important. I could feel my family and friends praying for me when I was so sick... God Bless them all...


  8. You are always so good at reminding us of what is important in life. Thanks!!

  9. Shug, you are certainly blessed beyond belief with all your girlfriends. I'm glad you got the prize you wanted. And yes, the white pumpkin on the mantle looks like it belongs there. :)


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