Friday, October 7, 2011

Smallest of Whispers....

Good Morning Dear Friends...what this Shug needs today from all of my sweet blogging friends are words to sooth my broken heart.  YES....a piece of my heart is broken this morning. 

I hesitated about writing this post for two reasons....First of all, I did not want to dampen the spirits of my friends, and second....I don't ever like to display an attitude of negativity.....

And then, I remembered that the very reason I started blogging in the first place was to allow ME/MYSELF to express my feelings in words.  Things that bring me joy, but also those things that bring me sorrow...

After all, my life is not perfect and I too have situations in life that make me just as normal as my does deliver times of sadness as well as those beautiful days of joy...

I know that this is true for me....My heart is so full of warmth and love for my grandchildren....

As most of you know, our precious 13 year old grandson has fought a very long and hard battle with leukemia.  He is a survivor and for this, we are overwhelmed with thankfulness...We Praise God and give HIM all the glory for Tucker's healing....

Needless to say, Tucker still has many struggles from the damage that was done to the nerves in his feet, due to radiation and chemo....(I mentioned earlier this week, that he is going to have to start therapy again)

The neuropathy and the weakness in the lower portion of his legs has caused him to have some difficulty in running and in his balance.  The balance issue is not that bad, but sudden turns might cause him to stumble just a bit...This is quite a challenge for a once "STAR" athlete.  Before his leukemia, he had the natural abilities to play baseball or whatever sport that he chose to play..
His speed was definitely an outstanding quality that he possessed....

Learning how to overcome the obstacles that life throws at you......

Tucker is playing football this year and this is a tremendous blessing in itself.  He works extremely hard and he really does endure a lot of pain in his feet throughout the practices and the games.  His oncologist has encouraged him to do whatever he can do to get his life back to normal...  Dr. Leavey is wonderful when it comes to building up the greatest of confidence in the kids that he has treated for cancer.  He believes in them and he knows that it takes this confindence for them to be the best that they can be in life...

I am very proud of Tucker......BUT...last night I saw a very heartbroken  little fellow....He played very well and did a great job in his position.   However, just prior to the game, he heard a couple of the guys (which are supposedly good friends) making some pretty harsh statements in regards to his position on the team.  Tucker did question them, but they responded by saying "We were not talking to you."

This was very devastating for him and he was very hurt.  He had a look of DEFEAT on his face.

I know that these are just kids, but to witness the hurt on Tucker's face was very heartbreaking for this grandmother.  His cancer has been healed, but the sad thing is, it is very difficult to heal or mend the damage that is cause by negative words.

These words are great, but difficult for a child to understand, especially when they are hurt.

Everyday, I try to give him encouragement by telling him....."Don't let ANYTHING stand in your way. You are a child of God and He loves you.  He has a plan for you." 

The great thing is......"God is down in front.  He is in the tomorrows.  It is tomorrow that fills
us with dread, but GOD is there already!  All the tomorrows of our life have to pass Him before they can get to us"   
               F.B. Meyer

God is in control and HE has Tucker's future in His hands!

I am thankful that when I speak the smallest of whispers, God is always close enough to hear me....He will deliver peace to Tucker and he will wipe away my tears.....

I wish you much sunshine on your path for today...


Shug ~


  1. Shug, I am so glad you have shared this with us! You need us as support for both the good and bad things in your life. I feel so sorry for him, after the battle he has fought and won, then to be defeated by some rude boys, he can't let this happen. If they knew, really knew, only half of what he has been through, they would probably eat their words. One tiny suggestion. My friend has neuropathy very bad in her legs and feet, from chemo. And she found out that this is not the oncologist's specialty. She was directed to a neurologist, who specializes in nerve damage, and he had quite a bit more to offer than the cancer doctor. I will be praying for Tucker!! He is such a champ, I know this is only a temporary setback. I love your pumpkin header!

  2. Thank you Ginny for letting me know about your friend...I will talk to Trista about this and perhaps we can go a different direction. Have a wonderful weekend..

  3. I totally understand what you are feeling, what people say about us we can ignore (if we want to!) but when someone says something to hurt one of our kids or grandkids it makes us fall to our knees. Maybe a "nice" little talk with the parents would help. Love you and yours!!!

  4. Thank-you for being open and honest.We are all here for you as you have been for others. I know how hard this is to watch,but with your support and the prayers of family and friends Tucker will come out a winner,in every way.

  5. My heart breaks reading this, but you have the answer already and soon Tucker will learn to rely completely on our God for strength. He will be able to say "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." It's not easy, but your strong faith in God will see all of you through. Praying peace and continued blessings for you all...

  6. Keep being the wonderful Grandmother you are and stand by him always.
    Kids can be soooo cruel--hopefully they'll come to their senses but don't hold your breath. Some athletes develope big heads and don't use their thinking skills very well.
    Tell Tucker to keep up the super work he is doing and just listen to the Coach. Afertall he is the one in charge.

    Take care and have a super weekend.


  7. Amen! God is in control and someday He is going to gather up all our tears and pain and cast them as far as the east is from the west... just like He did our sins.

    God Bless You Shug,


  8. I'm sorry Tucker had to go through all that he has. Kids can be so cruel. Adults, too, for that matter. We would love to shelter our loved ones from the hurts of life. Especially when they have been through so much to start with. Tucker is very lucky to have a loving G'ma like you to support him!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Shug!

  9. Hi Shug~

    I'm so glad that you decided to share with us. I can definitely identify with you in so many ways! First of all, I am so sorry that those young men felt the need to criticize Tucker. There will come a day in their lives when they will understand how hurtful their comments were to him and his family. You are a wonderful grandma! I can tell that you are so inspired to say the right things to Tucker . . . out of great love for him!

    I have a granddaughter who is blind. When she was just a baby, she had to have a bone marrow transplant, in order to save her life. Because of the disease she had, she went blind. I have heard so many mean, thoughtless remarks by children, and by adults when I have been with her. It breaks my heart that she will have to endure this for the rest of her life. God does have a plan, Tucker, and Averi, and every other child who is suffering. They are being held very closely in the palm of His hand . . . right next to His heart!

    Dry your tears, sweet friend, these kids are so much stronger than we think!

    Gentle Hugs,

  10. What a touching post Shug and what a brave young man Tucker is. You sound like a very proud grandma. Praise the Lord for his healing and may the good Lord give him strength daily to continue in his endeavours to regain a normal life. It's our Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and the weather this week has been glorious. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


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