Friday, October 14, 2011

Our Mission Field

Is it OK to be PROUD?.....sometimes it's good to be proud of certain things, right? ...Not like as in being exceedingly boastful....but to be delighted and recognizing self-respect in something or someone. 

I am super proud of our Church, of our Pastor (Pastor Mark Fulks)
and the people of our church that worked so hard early this morning,
to FEED the boys on our High School Football Team....

It was a very early morning for most of the kitchen crew, the greeters, and many others that reached out to help in this mission field....

This was a great outreach for our church.  I am all about missions in other parts of the world, and helping our missionaries share the gospel of Jesus Christ, but did you know that we also have our own mission field right here in our own back yards? 

Kids that need to be offered that chance to see something in people that they don't normally see. just to send a message that there are people who care.

I think these guys were enjoying their Breakfast!

I sure am glad that I am the one writing this post!!  I get to throw in
a picture of our grandson!!....

A great looking group of boys and I am so Proud of each one of them......

By serving a simple Breakfast to a group of hungry guys, we are able to to send a clear presentation of Christ's message of love and Hope!!  We can be examples of that love and Hope that every person longs for....

Yep.....I think it's alright to be PROUD!!

Blessings sweet friends!

Shug ~


  1. I'm proud with you - great minister - great team - great food - and great grandson.

    They looked like a great bunch of kids.


  2. It is more than alright to be proud. These are the things in life we should be celebrating and bragging about. Holding up what is good. I love how handsome they all looked dressed so nice in jackets.

  3. That's a good kind of proud, Shug. They look like a great bunch of guys! I love to see them all dress up, too. Handsome! What a wonderful pastor and church that does this!

  4. Who would have ever thought to do something like this??? And right at the age when these boys would really benefit from some giving Christian fellowship!!! Where is this? In your church, in the gym??

  5. My pastor likes to say, I won't say that I'm proud. I'll just say, "This is my beloved church, whom I love, and in whom I am WELL PLEASED."

    I think you can say the same.

    (And what a cute grandson! Go ahead and be proud of that one...)

  6. I really like Debbie's comment about being well pleased. That's a perfect description. Thank you for sharing your many blessings with us. You must be overjoyed!

  7. Hi Shug!

    I think it's wonderful that you are proud of your grandson - you have every right to be!! What a wonderful opportunity for these young men to get together and share the gospel! I love seeing them all in white shirts and ties!

    You are so right, we all have missionary opportunities right in our own backyards! What a blessing you are to your neighborhood!

    Warm Hugs,


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