Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Don't Leave Yourself Behind...

Most of us live very busy lives!  So busy, that we dare to think of adding one more thing to our already 15 hour day....oops, did I say 15 hours???  I think for a lot of us, it's more like 18 or 20 hour days.

It sounds selfish to say "What about me" but the total truth is that we need ME time....We can't afford to leave ourselves behind!
We need to allow at least 15 minutes (more if possible) a day, for our own "HAPPY TIME."

It really does not matter what we choose to do during this "Happy Time" as long as we are achieving a little solitude for ourselves...

The fifteen minutes that we set aside, should be used for doing the things we long to do....


Walking, reading, riding a bike, praying, drawing, painting, meditating, making your favorite dessert, dancing around the house, taking a bubble bath, singing in the shower, being creative, standing on your head, writing, polishing your toe nails, or even eating chocolates!!

We deserve this time and in order for us to find total fulfillment
We must  IMAGINE....we must BELIEVE....and we must ACHIEVE
TIME  for ourselves.....

Do something for yourself today!!

Shug ~


  1. It's so important - to try and find those little mini vacations of 15 minutes!
    Thanks :)
    Mary x

  2. Amen!!!
    This is very important for our mental health. Women spend most of their days caring, worrying, thinking etc about others and then we get lost in the shuffle.
    It IS ok to think of ourselves!


  3. I'm doing that right now! ;) blessings ~ Tanna

  4. It is important to take a few minutes of a busy day to just relax. I think "happy time" is a very apt description!
    You had a lovely table setting yesterday, Shug. And the cupcakes looks so good, too. I can't believe I missed seeing that post. Your photos were great.
    Enjoy your day!

  5. I have my coffee time everyday. And reading everyone's post is very enjoyable to me. Hope you're having a wonderful week!

    P.S. I love the title "Domestic Engineer"!

  6. Love your header! You are so right, and we have been missing meals and sleep because we help everyone except ourselves, but we are trying to slow down now, It is hard to do though!!

  7. I love this post!!
    If you saw my blog post today, it's title is about not having time!!
    I need to remember this!! 15 minutes is not too much to ask!
    Thanks for reminding me!

  8. I LOVE YOUR BLING! And it is so true!


  9. Yes Shug, you are so right, as women we all need to find time for ourselves! This retreat was exactly what we all needed, it was my first and I am so glad I went, stepped out of my comfort zone and spent time with some amazing ladies sharing in God's grace and goodness. My favorite...listening to Harry Connick while relaxing in a bubble bath and.....eating CHOCOLATE!!!! Love & Hugs!

  10. ahhhhh yes...perfect timing! Hubby is all better and I have been relaxing whenever possible. I loved reading your comment tonight...thank you xo

  11. Great advice! I try most days but don't always succeed. :) But surely I can find 15 minutes...somewhere.


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