Thursday, October 20, 2011

Crack In The Moon.....

I took this picture the other night at the Football game....It's not as clear as I would like for it to have been, but...I love how that one single tree branch (with no leaves) makes it look like there is a "Crack in the Moon."

Here is another picture just as the moon rose above the tree line....

An Optimist is a person who sees only the lights in the picture....
whereas a pessimist sees only the shadows.  An idealist, however, is one who sees the light and the shadows, but in addition sees something else:  the possibility of changing the picture, of making the lights prevail over the shadows.....
                                                          Felix Adler

Good Morning Sweet Friends....It is a beautiful cool morning here in East Texas....I am so loving this weather....Even though our lakes are dry and the ground is in such need of rain, I am so very thankful for the cooler temps....

I hope that I never lose the opportunity of seeing the beauty in God's handwriting....I welcome it each and every day and I look forward to the Blessing of my cup being filled to overflowing with the beauty of the day....

Sweet Blessings,



  1. Makes you think deep about that doesn't it?

    Glad the weather is finally cooling for you - hope you get some rain too.


  2. I try to be an optimist but it is something I have to deal with daily. I am much more this way now that I am older. I see what is really important and don't worry about the rest. Great pic of the moon.

  3. From Mr. Adler's description I think I'd say I'm more of an idealist, but I'd like to be an optimist.

    Yay and hallelujah for cooler temps! I'm loving this time of year. Wish it wouldn't get dark so early, but I can live with it. :)

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  4. I think I'm more of an idealist. I will be writing this down and adding it to my "inspiration wall". Thank you Shug.:) I'm so glad your enjoying cooler weather. We're experiencing the same here. The cooler weather started last night and we all sat outside and had hot chocolate. :) We enjoy the simple pleasures.

  5. I think I'm a 'cup half full' as opposed to a 'cup half empty' type of gal. At least I strive to be!
    The temps here in Missouri have definitely turned cooler. I turned the furnace on the other day! We need rain, too. We had a small amount the other day, we just need a lot more.
    Have a great day!

  6. Beautiful pics...I love moonlight!


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