Tuesday, October 18, 2011

As The Deer Panteth....

As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee......

My soul longs to serve God....and to live for HIM.

Did you know that God's Mercy is new every morning and His compassion is never-ending...My prayer every single morning is that God will fill my cup to overflowing with love for Him.

I don't only desire to thirst for the Lord, but I want that spring of living water to be bubbling up with rejoicing and praise for God, the one who loves me so!

Lord, you are my Hope in an often hopeless world.  You are my hope of heaven, my hope of peace, my hope of purpose and unconditional love.  Fill the reservoir of my heart to overflowing with joy and hope!

Today is a Gift....enjoy!



  1. Are these near your house? I love that hymn, "As The Deer", and have it on C.D. hope you have a great day, Shug!

  2. Good way to start the day thinking about this.



  3. Lovely post as always. Did you make those fall leaf cookies on your side bar? Gorgeous. I wouldn't want to eat them.

  4. Hi Shug - one of my favorite songs because my best friend can sing like a nightingale and I love to sit by her in church and listen to her sing this song!

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Thanks for the inspiration. Without God we are nothing and with Him we truly have all we need.

  6. Praise God...you are so right 'each' day is a gift and we need to thank Him and make the most of each and every day we are alive on this beautiful earth..

    xoxo Gert
    PS Love your header....

  7. Wonderful words...God is speaking through you today, Miss Shug. Thank you. I needed to see this at this moment.

  8. Love this song!
    Blessings on your day!

  9. I'll be singing the song in my heart the rest of the day! What a blessing! Thanks!

  10. Amen! Today is a gift, for which I am so thankful to be a part of.

    "You're my friend and you are my Father

    Even though you are my King

    I love you more than any other

    So much more than anything."

    Wishing you a GREAT day. GOD BLESS!

  11. Lovely post. The deer are every where now. We have to be really careful after dusk if we're out driving. Have a good day Shug!


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