Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jesus Loves The Little Children...

Good Morning Sweet Friends......

"They brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them.  But, when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, 'Let the little children come to Me'.....and He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and Blessed them"

Isn't this precious scripture?  He took them in His arms, laid His hands on them and Blessed them!!   This is awesome!

I think about all the times that God has picked me up, held me in His arms, laid His hands on me, Blessed me, and gave me strength....

God loves Us, and He loves little children....

This morning, I come bringing a need, and asking for each of you to be in prayer with us...

Our precious niece, (baby Zoey) was care flighted again on Tuesday to Children's hospital in Dallas....

Zoey and her parents desperately need our prayers...Many of you may recall that when Zoey was born (a couple of months ago)  I posted about the trauma of her birth and how she was having such a difficult time breathing....The Doctor's sent her to Children's at that time....

This week, our precious baby has had several seizures and this is the reason for the return to Children's....

The Doctor's are desperately working to get some answers.......Please be in prayer with us, that Zoey's Doctor's will be Christian, praying physicians, and that they will  be led by the Spirit of the God to find the answers....

Pray and Believe with us that Zoey will be healed.

Please keep her mom and dad (Samantha and Marc) in your prayers as well......

Pray and Believe.......I do believe in the power of prayer!  I know that my blogging friends are true believers and powerful prayer warriors, for which I am so thankful for.....

Will keep you posted about Zoey....

Hugs to you All!

shug ~


  1. sending prayers your way,, so scary,, God will give the doctors the skill to fix everything,

  2. My prayers are with baby Zoe and her parents, may God heals her soon, I'm sure HE will, I know! Glod bless you. FABBY

  3. Oh I am praying. That poor dear little family. How scary for them. Hope all is well.

  4. Oh, I am so very sorry, Shug!!!! It is so much worse to see a little child get sick than an adult! But I used to work in Children's Hospital, and they are wonderful, they have ways to calm the children, and toys and take such very good care of them, I know they will find out and be able to help her, I just KNOW it. I will pray, please keep us posted...

  5. So, so sorry to hear of Zoey's difficulties - will be praying for her and her family.
    Love Mary

  6. I have and will continue to pray for this little one.May God give wisdom and most of all peace to the parents.

  7. I remember so long ago my baby being hospitalized with tubes and machines everywhere. It was so stressful!

    Praying with your family that God's healing hand be upon Baby Zoey and that His wisdom will lead the medical professionals caring for her.

  8. Oh please believe they are in my prayers..especially that sweet little baby girl. I pray they will find what in wrong and will take care of it.

    Blessings to you,


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