Sunday, August 28, 2011

I was reading through one of my journals the other day, and I came across these notes.
Would love to share them with all of you.....

Living for God.....

Clearing the Pathway....we need to clear our daily paths of sin, bad habits, bad attitudes, and
those things that draw us to worldly living....

Clear the Path of Strong Desires......We need to learn to be submissive to God.  We need to seek God daily, listen to Him, and live by his Godly ways....Exercise Patience, wait until we know it is God's direction.......

Be Alert to Pressure.....External pressures from people that may not know God.
Internal pressures such as fear and anxiety. Or, from the way we are brought up. People giving us negative thoughts, such as telling us we will never amount to anything.
Rejection pressure coming from others that we are longing
 to be like..

Persist in Prayer.....
We need to pray without ceasing....God is sifting our request slowly as we pray.  We need to recognize this.  As we pray, God will give us direction and answers if we can learn to listen.

We need to REST in GOD'S PROMISES....
Get into the word of God...We need to learn to think the way God thinks....We need to KNOW what the word of God says, and then we need to rest upon His promises.

We need to wait for The Peace.

We need to get on our face before the Lord..We need to wait for the Lord as we seek harmony and Peace.

Hope your day is filled with happiness.....

Shug ~


  1. One of my favorite and dearest asprirations is based on a quote from Sister Teresa... it is to get to a place where, 'your (my) life becomes a prayer.' blesssings ~ tanna

  2. All very wise words. Especially those on the pressures we and others put on us.

  3. All good things to remember! I love the path, it draws me in and makes me wonder what's at the end.

  4. I know when your path is not clear it is hard to find God.

  5. That is so good,I would love to keep a copy for myself.

  6. Wonderful words to start my week off in the morning!

  7. Thanks for sharing your wise words from your journal. :)

  8. You have such inspirational posts, Shug - thanks for sharing this!

    Loved the pics of you and your girls with the tutu! So cute!


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