Friday, July 22, 2011

O Happy Days......

Good Morning Ya'll, from the big "City with a Heart"....
It's a whopping 83  degrees this morning, but it already feels like 90.

There may not be any rain in the forecast...... but this one thing I know, God is my HOPE.  I pray that HE will fill the reservoir of my heart to overflowing with the peace of knowing that He is in control....He is always on time and the rain will come.  I look forward to seeing that beautiful rainbow of everlasting Hope that follows the rain.


For those of you who asked.....This past Tuesday, I had
(in the Office) surgery on my right thumb.   After my carpal tunnel surgery, my right thumb just kept locking up, which was causing me not to be able to pick up anything and was limiting the use of my right hand....

After (painfully) deadening my hand, the doctor made an incision and cut the tendon that was causing the "trigger finger."  He then gave me about six stitches just at the base of my is very sore!  BTW...Sam quietly used his phone to video the whole procedure....for which I have no intentions of seeing....

Today, (1)  I am grateful to have the opportunity to fix my hand.

(2) I am also grateful for my wonderful husband, who has taken such good care of me.....

(3)I am thankful that Trista is doing much better, following her surgery last week....

(4)I'm extremely thankful for the love that surrounds me


(5)I am very appreciative for God's amazing love.

My wish for each of you is that there will pockets full of sunshine and splashes of joy to fill your heart today.....

Sweet Blessings from the Lord....



  1. I consider it to be cold where you are, ha ha! Because when I woke up this morning, it was already almost 100 degrees. Today the heat index is to be 102! I love the lake picture, what are those little things all over it, I can't tell...Ouch, that surgery description is making my stomach churn!! Now if it had been me, I would have posted a big picture of my bandaged thumb and told the whole story in gory detail!!! Guess I have no subtlety, huh? Was this done in the doctor's office or in the O.R.? I hope it stops hurting and heals up soon!

  2. I wish it were cold HERE!
    Great things to be thankful for. Good health for all and supportive family and friends is all we need.

    Have a super weekend!


  3. I will keep you in my prayers. Hopefully this surgery will work better than the last.
    It is only 80 here, but when you're used to cooler it feels hot. I dare not complain considering how much hotter it is everywhere else!

  4. Glad to read about these positive updates, Shug! Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Wonderful list, so glad you were able to get your thumb fixed! I will be praying for speedy recovery. Have a fabulous weekend(stay cool)

  6. so sorry to hear of your trouble,, hope its all fixed now,, sounds rather un nerving to be awake for this,, better than asleep though,, thats also scary.You have a good husband to care for you,, have a happy day and sleep well, I know sometimes its hard to sleep with stitches,,

  7. So glad you're hand is better.. (I often thought if there was something I'd have to lose - I'd hope it wasn't my hands or eyesight.) Doctors of the miracles of God. (I've tried for days to respond to blogs, hope this goes through).

  8. Hi Shug, I am sorry that you have continued to have problems with your hands after your carpal tunnel surgery... I am still having troubles with my right hand---but it's manageable 99% of the time. I wear a brace at nights --and the hand doesn't go to sleep with all of that pain as much as it was doing before the brace.... I hope I don't have to have the surgery.

    Have a good weekend.

  9. Hi Shug - guess everybody's getting a touch of what we're havin' here in Texas. So sorry to hear about your thumb surgery, but I hope that takes care of your problem. I think that's so funny that your hubby recorded it!

    You asked about my friends who lost their daughter, and I'm here to tell that God is working mightily in their lives providing comfort and peace. Altho a tragedy, Kayla's funeral was a celebration of her young life, her love for her Lord, and her love and kindness to everyone around her. THAT is what she will be remembered for.

    Thank you for your follow-up. Very sweet and thoughtful of you! Stay coooooool...


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