Thursday, July 21, 2011

I See You've Met Mary

Howdy ya'll......It is Hot!

Everywhere I go, I hear those three words...."It Is Hot"
We have set a record.....20 straight days of over 100 degree weather. WOW!!!

Isn't this a cute "Pink" sun hat?

I have quite a story to tell you about the pink sun hat that I saw today....

I had a doctor's appointment early this morning and after I saw the doctor, I had to go to the lab....

Just so happens that there was only one technician working the lab for two different doctor's.  One being my doctor and the other was a pediatrics office....

As I rounded the corner to make my way to the waiting room for the lab, my eyes immediately were set upon a lady sitting there with five children...Ages 10 to 3 and she was about 8 months pregnant...

As I went to sit down, the only chair available was between the two girls and the oldest little boy.

On the other side of the girls was another lady that was waiting to go to the lab...

Now, these two little girls were full of energy...The youngest one was trying her best to get the lady to try on her pink sun hat...The lady was trying her best to avoid having the hat put on her head.  

Suddenly, the girl noticed that the lady had a tooth missing on the side of her mouth.  She wanted to know if the tooth fairy brought the lady anything for losing the tooth. At one point, Girl A put her finger on the lady's lips and pulled them down so she could get a better look at the missing tooth!  Oh my goodness...this lady was soooo excited when the lab tech finally called her back...

Guess who was next?  Next it was me.  Here came girl A and Girl B.
They latched on to me faster than I could think....

You see, I just had six stitches put in my thumb this past Tuesday...(another story) and for some reason, both girls were very determined to see my finger...

Of course, I'm thinking....GET AWAY!  My thumb is hurting and I don't want anyone looking at my nasty thumb, much less try to touch it....and I must admit that I was thinking of all the little germs that could be lurking on those fingers....

While I was trying desperately to take their attention away from my thumb, out of the corner of my eye, I saw this pink thing flying through the air, headed right for my head...It was the pink sun hat...

One was trying to put the hat on my head while the other one had a hold of my necklace.   I couldn't take it anymore... I suddenly got up and walked out towards the hallway....

Who would be their next target?  It was a man....a man wearing an orange shirt....He seemed to be a very quite man, but he was about to be introduced to two very un-quite little girls...

As I stepped around the corner, the first lady was coming out and she said to me...."I see you've met Mary"

Yes, Mary was the name of the youngest little girl.....As the lab tech finished drawing my blood, she called the guy in the orange shirt he made his way to the door, I saw that pink hat flying through the air, headed straight for his head...

She missed his head, but the look on his face was totally unforgettable...He looked like he had been put through a wringer.  I said to him...."I guess you've met Mary"....and he smiled....

I have no idea who the next lucky guy or gal was that got to meet Mary and her sister, but one thing I do know is that they would soon have the privilege of trying on a "Pink Sun Hat"

One would ask what the mother was doing through all of this....she would just giggle and say "Now Mary....he/she does not want to try on your hat".....

Oh My.....I'll bet that in the upcoming weeks, some teacher will be throwing that pink sun hat in the Lost and Found box.....


Stay Cool!!

Shug ~


  1. Oh my gosh thats good,,, I can just see you,, and I'm with you about the germs also,, I wish I wasn't but I am,, thats so funny the poor man too,,(I would also be a little leary putting the hat on my head,, I would never be rude but you hear so much about head lice,,sorry for the direction this writing took! lol,

  2. GADS----what's up with parents these days????? It's okay is you want a million children ---but by darn, you need to teach them some manners.... What has happened to us these days??? Kids are not trained to have any manners... DANG!!!!


  3. Oh my, sounds like Mary and her sister were quite the handful. Cute story, but I am sure there weren't many people happy to "Meet Mary". Hugs, Marty

  4. This story is so funny!! I actually want to meet these cute, inquisitive girls!! But just for a short time!! Ella loves me to pull my cheek out so she can see my gold teeth; she is just fascinated by them! I want that hat in the picture!!! Now we want to hear about your finger.

  5. Wow Shug!
    I'm always amazed at parenting skills today.
    or lack thereof...
    I think we all need to hear about the thumb...and especially how it's coming along.
    I'm on the upward swing with the crud, hope your husband is too.
    xoxo~Kathy @
    sweet Up-North Mornings...

  6. I went to see my doctor today,but my visit was much less eventful.Kind of dull and boring compared to yours.

  7. Oh, the germs! I would've been thinking the exact same thing. And wasn't the mother concerned about her girls getting all up in the faces of strangers? Sheesh. Sounds adorable, but parental control has become a thing of the past. Hope your thumb is all better, or will be soon!

  8. This story kind of mentally exhausted me! lol

  9. I'm tired now too! That's one trip to the lab you won't foget!

    Keep cool!


  10. Oh my! it makes my girls sound positivity sleepy!
    Mary x - hope that thumb is feeling better :)

  11. Oh, MY GOODNESS!! Bless your heart and the heart's of all the other victims of the sun-hat-monster (does that seem harsh? I think not). You wonder is that mother just overwhelmed to the point of giving up control or just never attempted to teach them any better? Oh, my! Hope you have a better day! blessings ~ tanna

  12. Oh, dear...:)) I have met so many Marys in my looong life.
    Stay cool, dear lady..
    xo bj

  13. Mom, that is such a funny story. I love it. As school starts in a few weeks, I will have my fair share of "Mary's", whose parents are so free spirited that they are unaware of the feeling of others. They actually think others are as amused by their curious behavior as they are! Ha, if those parents only knew!

  14. oh, lordy! going to the doctor's office can be tiring enough as it is without 'help'. :) thanks for the laughs.

  15. Oh my gosh Shug I can't even imagine what some of those mothers are you poor unexpecting patients.............. smile....

    xoxo Gert


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