Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Light is FREE....

 Hey Friends... Hope you are finding joy in this, the Lord's day......

It is always our conscious choice as to which path we will choose....Happiness or self pity!

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                Check it out....My bargain lamps.

I purchased new lamps for our bedroom last year, but I just never felt comfortable with the way they looked and the light was way too bright....

I have been on a hunt to find something that would be more soothing to our eyes, and something that enhanced the look in our bedroom....

I happened upon a garage sell a couple of weeks ago
and right before my eyes were these beautiful lamps.

I had no idea where I was going to use them in the house, but they were just too pretty to pass up.

I asked the young lady how much she wanted on the set of lamps and to my amazement, she said: "For you, they are FREE!"  Wow, what a deal!

You never know what kind of bargain you might find at a garage sell, even if the garage sell is at your own daughter's house.....Yep, it was Trista's GS!

These lamps were in Trista's family room, but the colors did not go well with the colors of their new home....  "Lucky Me"....        NO, "Blessed Me"

I brought the lamps home and my first thought was to use them in my living room....but then, a "light" went off in my head and my second thought was..."these just may look great in our bedroom."

Sure enough.....they do!

Two beautiful "FREE" lamps....just can't beat it!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fill your day with goodness...

Shug ~


  1. They are perfect and the price is right.I had better skidaddle of to church so I won't be late.

  2. FREE is good, Shug.... Glad you found the perfect lamps for your bedroom...

    Have a blessed day.

  3. wow, those are beautiful,, you have a smashing bedroom!!Happy Sunday!!

  4. They are beautiful, and the price was right, ha ha!! The first thing I noticed in the picture was how well they match your bedroom!!! I love your gorgeous header today!

  5. Perfect, beautiful lamps for your lovely bedroom!

  6. Beautiful lamps!! You really hit the jackpot with these.

  7. I love those and the price was right! Lucky you!

  8. Great score on the lamps! I L-O-V-E the new look of your blog. Very nice!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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