Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fun In The Mud

Mud pies...who doesn't like making mud pies?

I remember those days very well.  As a matter of fact, it was some of my favorite times as a child.  Baking those mud pies and playing outside with my sister, my brothers, my cousins and friends...

I had three of the grand kids (Trey, Tori, and Mylee) at the house the other day.  They were just hanging out in the house watching TV, playing games on my IPad, and really doing nothing...

Then it happened.....Mylee wanted to watch "Dora" and the other two said that was a baby show...
Now you would think that with four TVs around, that they would all be able to watch what they wanted, but...seems they all wanted to watch the TV in our family room..

But...Shug had the perfect cure for all this bit of fussing...


They could not believe that they were going to
have to go outside and play...

And, when I set up the table with all the muffin pans, spoons, knifes and etc. they were looking at me like I had lost my mind.  "What are you doing shug?"  was the question...

I said:  "You all are fixing to play in the mud!" Their response... "but, it hasn't rained....there is no mud"

Me......"Ya'll are gonna make mud"

And so they did.....These kids had a blast...
Dirt, water .......MUD

They played for hours!

They had a "Wonderful" day....

After playing in the water, it was shower time.....When they were all clean as could be...

It was cookie time!  Cookies and Milk!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Honestly....we need to teach kids how to really



Have fun today ya'll....

Shug ~


  1. I love this! Good for you on showing those kids what "real" fun is all about. They'll remember that day forever. :)

  2. Great idea!!! I remember this from my childhood.
    I bet they had a blast!!!
    It is sad that today's children don't really know how to play like we did.
    I dodn't care for the heat as an adult but you bet your bottom dollar we were outside playing the first chance we got.

    Enjoy your day.


  3. It's so true! Today you gotta teach kids to play. Then you have to clean them up, but they really neeeeeed to play. Away from the TV!!!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog about my obsessive behaviour! :D

  4. What a great idea!!! Ella loves to play in the dirt and likes to paint our house with a pine cone dipped in mud. Though my heart does belong to Dora and Swiper, we even have the Dora DS game! I got such a start at the last picture!! On first glance, it looks like they are all sitting down at the table eating their mud creations!!! YIKES! So funny!

  5. Oh my this is the kind of play that Brenton and Rhiannon would spend hrs enjoying when younger (not that long ago). Healthy, happy play where giggles prevailed and with not a screen in sight. Kids these days don't know what they are missing out on.

  6. What a wonderfully wise grandmother you are!!!

  7. Oh Yes----Playing in the mud was one thing all 3 of my sons loved... Thank goodness for hoses and swimming pools where they could wash off.....

    Were the cookies made out of mud???? ha ha

  8. My guess is that these kids will never forget the day there were forced to have fun outside.I can just about hear the fun they had.

  9. Those are the kind of memories that will last a lifetime! blessings ~tanna

  10. You my dear are a braver woman than I!

  11. You are so right! So many kids spend all day inside! You go Shug!!!! Loved this post.

  12. What a good grandma you are! Kids today don't get enough of this kind of thing. Something as simple as mud pies they will remember forever. Wonderful memory you've created.

  13. Hi Shug!

    I remember so many fun days making mud pies with my sister! We had a cabin in the woods and we would decorate them with wild flowers . . . thanks for helping me remember that wonderful memory!


    P.S. Your grands are absolutely adorable!


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