Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What To Do?

What to do.....What to do?

When was the last time you went to the grocery store?  Kinda shocking isn't it?

I made a quick trip to the grocery store yesterday, and I could hardly believe what I saw on the register. Why?  Because of the Dollars ($$$) that I spent...and to think that I only had four sacks to load..........

I can tell you this, it certainly put a weak smile on my face...

Are you the kind that makes out a grocery list?  I must admit that I am, but often I go off and
leave the list at home......(I really need to try to do better!)

I do believe that making a list helps when shopping....So, this calls for some serious action on my part.
The cost for feeding a family is growing like crazy.  Prices are increasing and portions are decreasing!

Yesterday, after shopping, I was talking to Tyler (our 15 year old grandson) about how expensive
things are getting....he made this comment:  "shug, why don't you go back to cooking beans and cornbread?"   Tyler is right...why can't we go back to fixing more cornbread and beans?

Our grandkids love to eat Cornbread and milk!

(It is good if I say so myself)

But...You want to know what happens when I fix a big pot of red beans?

One bowl is all they want!....   After one bowl, they are done with
beans for a while.......

For sure, this is a cheap way to feed a family.....And beans are healthy

for us...

What to do....What to do????

I am almost positive that you all have noticed the huge increase in groceries....

How do you plan out your meals for the week and what do you
do to cut back on such enormous grocery bills??

I'd love to hear your ideas, your suggestions, and your thoughts on savings when it comes to buying groceries.

Loved visiting with you today...Hope your day is all you want
 it to be...

Shug ~


  1. I am heading to Whole Foods as soon as I close my computer, and I know just what you are talking about! My 3-4 bags are usually around $100. I don't buy much produce, though, because I get CSA boxes every week. Lots of yummy, local, organic produce that keeps us going almost all week. However, today I must add tomatoes, cilantro, basil, and peppers to my grocery list because I want to make more salsa. I also need a couple of steaks for fajitas, but I am now buying those "flat iron" steaks that are less pricey. I insist on organic, humane-grown, no antibiotics meat. We eat very little meat, but what we do is costly. I am trying to eat a much more plant based diet as I know it keeps us healthy and younger for longer.

  2. Hey! I blogged about coupons today! I wish I could use more of them, but I try to base my grocery list around what is on special for the week at our local stores...

  3. We do very little cooking--eating Lean Cuisines in the evening, so I won't be much help. Your grandson's idea is great! My grandmother used to prepare cheap meals like that all the time and we loved it. We sometimes ate breakfast for dinner, too. Casseroles with ground beef are another good way to stretch a dollar. Good luck! Come back and let us know if you have any tips.

  4. Breakfast for supper is a great option as are soups and pots of beans.

  5. The best money saver for me has been having another driver in the house. I make my grocery list according to what is in the sale ads. Then I send it along with my son and the debit card. If I don't go to the store myself, I don't see 20 more things that I 'need'... It really has cut back on the grocery bill!

    Blessings, Debbie

  6. Things are really high now, sorry I can't be much help. Dr. Oz keeps saying how cheap and good for you eggs are, dinner could be huge omelets with all kinds of things thrown in! Or potato salad with celery and hard boiled eggs. Also a baked potato bar...

  7. We use our store cards alot, coupons are good but I don't use them much since most of the coupons are for things we don't use and they don't offer much discount i our house, store ads can be helpful when making your list and I
    do ALOT of price comparison which is helpful.
    Good Luck.


  8. I'm thankful to only have the two of us to feed. I feel for larger families. I love beans and cornbread! I also like the other's idea of using breakfast for dinner. blessings ~ tanna

  9. Hi Shug!

    I totally agree, prices have sky-rocketed! I can't even believe that I have to pay almost $4.00 for a lb. of butter these days . . . I wish I had a cow! I only use coupons when I find one for the something I buy on a regular basis, otherwise, I don't use them.

    Even when I make a list I spend way too much - I think that the secret is, just getting back to basics -- I love beans and cornbread! I can remember eating from the garden all summer - very little meat, but lots of fresh veggies and rice or potatoes with homemade whole wheat bread!

    I would love to find a blog with good menu ideas!


  10. Smart Grandson! And who doesn't love beans and cornbread. Here in the North we use navy beans in ours. I just found your blog-love it.
    I just started blogging myself. Please stop by and say "hello". Blessings!

  11. Hi-It's Kimberly
    Tell your husband we'd love to have him. The only stipulation is that he leaves half of his bounty here!! Thank you for stopping by!

  12. Hi Shug, yes the price of groceries seem to be going up and up. I really don't know how a large family does it unless they have a very nice income. I feel for those single moms struggling to put food on the table, too. Add the high cost of gas and utilities and housing and insurance, etc. and there are many who are probably not eating as well as they should. I did observe just today a shopping cart that was full of soda, other types of drinks, chips, cookies and just a lot of empty calories and I could tell that the young woman would be paying out big bucks for all that and still didn't have "real food." So, one answer would be to shop smart and buy only essential items if money is tight and also to not shop while hungry! Making a list and sticking to it would be a help. I tend to see something I'd like to have that's not on my list and put it in my cart. Hope you get lots of good ideas!

  13. G'day Shug, The cost of living is well and truly felt here. It's getting harder and harder. I like to make lists too, but these days Leigh does the grocery shopping for our family. Which is such a blessing to me, as I don't like shopping complexes. I've been thinking about Tyler and his beads of courage - Just this week they have introduced Bravery Beads here. I think it's a great idea!!! Here is a link I thought I'd share with you...

    GOD BLESS you and your wonderful family! Cheers, Kerrie xOx


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........