Thursday, June 23, 2011

What Is Your Mirror Reflecting?

What is your mirror reflecting?  I suppose that this is somewhat of a crazy question....

A mirror reflects what is in front of it, doesn't it?

As a Christian, our mirror is really our actions....How we act
in front of people.....It's our reactions, our voice, our eye contact, our behavior......

How clean is your mirror?  Is it clean enough to allow the goodness in your heart to shine through?

What does your mirror look like when you are irritated by others...maybe someone is very annoying and just to be in their presence is nerve racking....or, what if someone breaks something that is very dear to you?  What are you reactions like!

Does your mirror only show love and compassion when you are in a group of others who are displaying the same love and compassion?  When you are standing by those who have very little in life and are in need of much, do you still let that love and compassion shine through? you allow your mirror to become cloudy and ugly?

These are good thoughts to think about! 
When I am around other people, I want them to see a good, clean mirror and I want the joy that is my heart to shine through. 


Shug ~


  1. True words here! You get back what you put out there in life!

  2. Love the way your mind ticks Shug :]

  3. you always have the best posts,, you make us stop and think,,

  4. We, and our actions, are the only sermons some people will ever hear.

  5. This post certainly gives a lot to think about.Thanks for drawing my attention to these things.

  6. Good to think on! May His Holy Spirit continue to help us mirror Christ to everyone we meet!

  7. I like what Ginny said. Wonderful post, too. The cynical person in me wonders if the inside matches the outside on some people. I try to always be gracious, but sometimes I fail. I'm getting better though!

  8. Good points, Shug! What we have simmering on the inside is what shows on the outside, especially in the eyes. It's easy to see sadness, anger, love, laughter and a myriad of other emotions in the eyes, I think. I hope, too, to be reflecting good things! Blessings to you, sweet friend. Have a great Friday.


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