Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stinking Thinking

Good Morning Friends....Hope this Tuesday finds you full of abundant JOY!

I am still very tired this morning, so I went back to my files and found this post in my drafts....It is one that I had written back in November of 2010.  I never finished it, but I had made some notes in my journal as to why I decided to write about this topic. 

It all had to do with the Holidays and how so many people walk around with a frown on their face just because "THEY do not want to be happy."  When the Holidays are mentioned, they frown...as a matter of fact, most of these people have already determined (probably a few months earlier) that they are going to rely on their own negative thinking to get them through the Holidays.

This morning, I typed "Stinking thinking" into my computer and I could not believe how many web sites came up in regards to the words "STINKING THINKING."   And here I was, thinking that I had come up with a new way of describing the word NEGATIVE..

WRONG is what I was.....Oh well, I'm gonna lay claim to it anyways.

Stinking Thinking.....These two words are usually not used together...however, if they were typically used together, we would refer to them as Negativity.  The truth is very plain to see.....A lot of times, our thinking STINKS sometimes.

When we don't like something, we complain.  When there is nothing better to talk about, we complain...When we think others are expecting something out of us, we tend to set out to prove them wrong....We are determined to walk in places where clouds of JOY can never find us...

When our minds are turning to envy, we are developing STINKING, THINKING.....and if we aren't gonna be happy, then no one is gonna be happy!

There are ways to overcome this type of lifestyle....
After all, who wants to hang out with people who STINK?  If you have this type of personality or you know that this is a target that you set yourself up for, then determine months ahead, that you are going to do something about it! 

Start praying about  this and ask God to give you a heart that longs to see GOOD in everything...

For 5 days straight, try to do something GOOD for someone else.  At the end of those 5 days, you will find a new place in your heart that IS longing for JOY.

Repeat these words over and over ever chance you get..."I deserve to be Happy"

Speak Blessings on the lives of others around you.



Hope you find Joy in all that you do!

Shug ~


  1. stinking thinking stinks,, you got that right,

  2. Well this was certainly convicting. I have a bad habit of letting negative emotions take root when someone hurts my feelings or something bad happens, then making sure everyone around me knows how unhappy I am. I have been fighting this battle my whole life. I am going to work on this. With God's help.

  3. Amen to that!!! A smile is one of the best things you can give away, and it's free! But GOOD and positive thinking has to start in our head, we are what we think, and if you tell yourself something long enough, then you will come to believe it!

  4. God knew that I needed to read this this morning,that is why it wasn't published earlier.I had a very clear message earlier today that I am allowed to be happy.Even after having said good-bye to the one most dear to me,I am still allowed to be happy and have fun.I know that not every day will be wonderful and tears will still come,but I CAN be happy.God wants that for me.WOW! Thanks for your encouraging words which affirm my earlier thought.

  5. Words of wisdom...
    xoxo~Kathy @
    sweet Up-North Mornings...

  6. Oh my gosh this is so true! I try not to have 'stinkin thinkin' as I know all it does is get a person down. Life is short and to be lived with love!

    Thank you for this great reminder. Hope you are feeling better soon!

    xoxo Gert

  7. This is so very true. I have to remind myself all the time how very blessed we are. keeps me in a positive frame of mind and focusing on others always helps to keep one from feeling sorry for oneself.

  8. Good day to you dear Shug, "Stinking Thinking" I've never heard the term used before, so I'm going to say... I love YOUR description for negative thoughts. Being around someone who is always negative can be very draining. But, I do try to understand where they're coming from, as I know I have not walked in their shoes anymore than they in mine. So I guess we just have to keep trying to be that breath of fresh air in their life... Leading by example, which I pray with God's help will turn around their negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Blessing to you this day. With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

  9. So true, it's so easy to go "nedative" rather than rewire and go "positive"
    Mary x


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