Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Tribute To My MOM....

"If you Knew Her.....You were Blessed"

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain..

Revelation 21:4

It will be 6 years on August 16, 2011 since my mom went to be with the Lord.....

How Blessed I am to have had such a wonderful mother. Everything I am, I owe to her. She guided me with her wisdom and always inspired me with her unselfish service for others. She was a shining example for me and I know that many lives were touched by her goodness......

My mother touched all those around her with her Kindred Grace. She instilled in me the ability to love deep and to show compassion to others. There is not a single day that goes by that I do not long to talk to her, to hug her, to tell her I love her. Often, she is in my dreams at night and I am able to hear her sweet tender voice. I believe that through these dreams she still guides me to be the best that I can be. What an incredible woman she was.....

We had a special bond that only the two of us could understand. I miss her so very much and there is an empty place in my heart that longs for her now. Until we see each other again, I will keep the memories, the kisses and the warm hugs in my heart forever.

From the deepest part of my heart, I miss you!

I will always Love You!

Sweet Blessings to each of you on this special Mother's day....

Shug ~

I used these words last year in one of my post, but they come deep from my heart and are fitting
for this day...."Mother's Day"


  1. lovely posts,as always,,such an inspiration you are,, always, such pretty photos ,,

  2. Mothers are a blessing and should be treasured.I too miss my Mom and cherish the memories of her.Happy Mother's Day to you.

  3. Beautiful tribute to your mom! Have a meaningful day and enjoy!

  4. Your mom must have been wonderful! I can see the caring and compassion in her eyes. You were so blessed to have her. I dream about my mom, too, and I guess that's as it should be. Hope you have a lovely day, Shug.

  5. I have a feeling your daughters will say the same thing about you one day, and probably today too!!!

  6. Lovely tribute Shug! Hope you had a wonderful day with your daughters. Thanks for visiting and the kind words you left me; we are so blessed to have such fond memories of our Moms. Your pictures and thoughts are moving and inspirational. Wishing you an amazing week! Hugs!

  7. Lovely post. You look just like your Mom.
    Hope your Mother's Day was blessed.


  8. Wish I would have had the pleasure of knowing your mum...
    someday I will...makes heaven even sweeter.
    a wonderful tribute to her.
    One of my best friends name is Shug!
    Now I know 2!
    Hope your day was wonderful,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  9. Shug, this is a beautiful tribute to your Mom and I am sure it will be perfect every year until you are with her again. I suspect your daughters feel the same way about you. There is something so very special between a mom and daughters. We are very blessed to have experienced that kind of love. I am glad your Mom visits in your dreams... Happy belated Mother's Day. tanna

  10. A very nice tribute to your mom. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day :-)


  11. Hi Shug, What a beautiful mother you had. That's where you get your beauty and your smile!!!!! Love the tribute to your Mom. Mine has been gone since 1991 --and I miss her still.



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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........