Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Whispers In The Morning....cont. #2

Welcome Back to day 3 of my Whispers In The Morning story.....

Let me start by saying.......

I have discovered that I have a lot of good people that follow my blog....I also have a lot of good friends, (who know me well) that follow my blog.  Many of you have been the best of the best!  You have covered me in your prayers many, many times when our family experienced some very difficult trials...So, some of you already have some insight of where my story is coming from....

Brenda Warner......mother of a special needs child, knows all too well the heaviness that can be upon one's heart when it comes to caring for a child that has special needs....

Perhaps one reason that I could hear the faint whispers so clearly, is because our story is very similar to the journey that the Warner's have experienced....You see, Brenda's first child (Zack Warner) was a healthy baby boy when he was born....His parents had dreams for him just like any other parent has for their child. 

What we sometimes fail to acknowledge is that within a matter of split seconds, a child's life can change instantly.....Imagine with me, a healthy child, with a future of growing up, playing, going to school, having friends, going to parties, dating, graduating, attending college, getting married, and having children of their own, and suddenly something happens that causes all these hopes to vanish forever......

Who knows in what way the thief will come in and silently take root  in the lives of those we love...The thief could be disguised as an illness, an accident, or perhaps as a birth defect....In the Warner's case {as was ours} the thief was an accident...It is my hopes, that you may someday have the opportunity to hear for yourself the Warner's complete story as told by this loving mother....

One slip, one hit to the head, left their son Zack with massive trauma to his little brain.....this accident left Zack {a once healthy boy} with brain damage and with some blindness caused by the swelling of his tiny little brain...  The good news is that Zack is happy being himself,  even if he does have to rely upon others to take care of him......

Our story is much the same.....It was a fatal car accident that took the life of my sister and her husband.  But, it also left three small children seriously injured and without parents.  All three children were in body cast and one of them was left with little hope of surviving from the massive trauma to her oh so tiny little brain.......

We serve a mighty God and for some unknown reason to us, God placed His hand upon her and she is still with us today....Tammy is one of those small children whose life has been changed forever!  She and my daughter Trista, were both 3 when this accident happened, and up to that point they would play and entertain each other, laugh and giggle, dance and play in the dirt, just as most normal first cousins would do at that age......

Yes, it was in the blink of an eye, that not only did Tammy and these other two children's life change, but it also brought change to the rest of us as their family......My parents,{oh my, the respect I have for them} had to pick up the pieces and move forward..they now had a SPECIAL NEEDS child and two other children to raise........ {the oldest child later died at the age of 28 from a massive heart attack}

Tammy experienced seizures and had to learn to walk and talk all over again....The right side of her body was affected and there was little use of her right hand.  The most difficult thing to deal with was the fact that her mind would forever stay as that of a child.....Today she is 36 years old and most of the time, her thought process in life is that of a ten or twelve year old....

My Mother, was the beautiful lady that Tammy grew up knowing as her MOM....
Mother passed away five years ago, and this left a huge void in Tammy's life...
Two mothers, and two losses.....how difficult could this be?  My dad, {who has the beginning stages of dementia} is still "taking care" of Tammy, and this is where I come into the picture......this is the reason that my soul was able to hear those sweet whispers that were spoken this past Saturday....

TO BE CONTINUED...........


Thank you all for letting me share with you today.....I hope you will come back for "THE REST OF MY STORY"


  1. Shug, I can't begin to imagine the hardship and heartbreaks your family has gone through. But to hear your story told as a believer in our mighty God is such a testimony. At 55, I've come to realize that lots of people have had many more trials in their lives than I have. I will continue to meet you here to hear the rest of what you have to share, and I know it will be a blessing to all of us. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  2. The heart ache you and the rest of your family have been through is beyond words.God does have a way of paling people into our lives to help us to grow.

  3. Oh Shug, What a heart-breaking story... I'm so sorry for Tammy --and the family. That goes to show that any of our lives could change in a second... Your family certainly has had more than their share of heart-break. My love and prayers are with you.
    Hugs and Prayers for Tammy (and for your Dad),

  4. I meant to ask: How is the middle child doing now? Where is this family member?

  5. Oh Shug! What can I say. As you say life can change in a heartbeat. Your parents are truly angels, one now in Heaven. We have times in our lives that make us stop and think, I have had a few, life is so precious and loved ones even more precious. God Bless you love. xx

  6. I remember that all vividly even though I was a kid myself. I've been wanting to ask you but wasn't sure how to bring it up. This brings tears to my eyes.

  7. Oh, Shug, what a heart wrenching story. Life is so very fragile and can change in the blink of an eye, and how well you know that, sadly. So I imagine you are now helping with the care of Tammy and your dad, how far away do you live? I wait to hear the rest of the story...

  8. My heart goes out to both you and this precious family. Life can change with the blink of an eye. I'm sure your burden is heavy for both your Dad and dear sister Tammy. I understand the demands of a special needs child...I taught Special Ed. before I retired.

    My baby girl was also born with a congenital heart defect and required many surgeries and procedures over the years. Our prayers were answered and she now has three stepchildren and a toddler of her own.

    God bless you for hearin' those sweet 'whispers'!

  9. Shug, I sit here with tears streaming down my face. How quickly life can change. The one unchangeable thing is God's love for us. May He bless you and your family with strength and comfort and love and peace. tanna

  10. What a sad story. I'm so sorry for Tammy. How is her other sibling doing? And what a loving grandfather she has. With his dementia I'm sure it is difficult for him to care for her now. I'll be back to hear the rest of the story, but I have a feeling I can guess what a little of it might be. God bless you, Shug, and your family. I'll be praying for you. (((Hugs))) Cheryl


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