Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wasn't What I Had Planned!

It is a beautiful sweet morning right here in East Texas.....

It was my hopes to continue my story today, but things do not always go according to OUR plans. 

My sweetie was scheduled for surgery yesterday and for those of you that know me well, I had every detail of the day completely planned out....

Needless to say, we do not have any control of the Doctor's schedules. You know it is going to be a long day when your sweetie is sitting there with a needle in his arm, bags of clear liquid running through the line, blood pressure cuff attached to his arm, sitting there almost naked with the exception of a thin un-attractive white gown somewhat wrapped around his body....THEN, you hear the nurse tell the person in the next holding area, that the doctor is running behind schedule...

The must be broken, because the hands have already gone past Sam's surgery time and yet the person that is scheduled for surgery right before him is still sitting there!!!!  Oh MY!

               LONG.....VERY LONG DAY!

I'm still tired this morning and the "Sick Bell" is ringing, so I guess I will have to work on my story later today.....

By the way.....The surgery.....Torn Rotator Cuff, two bone spurs and something else with a big long name....    For those of you that might ask why the Recliner???  This will be his new bed for at least four weeks!

We were up a few times last night, but Sam is doing well.....

I'll be back tomorrow morning with more "Whispers in the morning"

Enjoy your Blessings of this day.......

Shug ~

Hoping to catch up on all your post soon...


  1. awww, bless his heart. Mr. Sweet had the Rotator cuff surgery years ago and his recliner was his bed for a long long time...
    Praying for a full recovery for your Sam. +
    xo bj

  2. Oh my! Hope you both have a restful day, praying for a speedy recovery...

  3. Wondered what kind of surgery Sam had....praying for a really quick recuperation and Mylee be nice to him for four weeks! Guess you all didn't go to Levelland but bet Miss Mylee did!

  4. Wishing Sam a quick recovery.I know he has a great nurse taking care of him,as long as you are there.Do get some rest,so you don't wear out.

  5. I have a torn rotator cuff, possibly both of them. Mine is torn all the way through. How long has Sam had his? Were they able to do it arthroscopically? A good friend just had his done that way, he had the bone spurs, too, and he is recovering real well. He had to sleep in the recliner, but only for for a few days. I hope he has a speedy recovery!!

  6. OH Anita, I will never forget that accident and how my heart went out to Patsy and Buster. You will never know how much I loved your mother! SHe was absolutely the most precious client I ever had and there was never one time that I can remember that we didn't enjoy our time together. We either shared laughter or tears and we did both, trust me!! I have tears right now just thinking about her and how she always loved me and believed the best in me. I never heard her say a bad word about anyone and I knew she loved me.
    The last time I did her hair was when she no longer could come to the salon so I went to the house and she was so sweet and appreciative. You remind me a lot of your mother. You see the best in people, and I will tell you that is the kind of person who gives hope to the hopeless and strength to the weak. Pat will forever have a place in my heart.
    Love you and your family!

  7. Get well wishes to your hubby! Take good care!

  8. Hope your hubby does well--after the surgery, Shug... What you need to do now is to get some REST..... You gotta take care of that Sweetheart for a few days/weeks.
    Hugs and Prayers for his recovery,

  9. Wishing Sam a speedy recovery!! blessings ~ tanna

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the kind words. I'm glad to say, I feel better but still can't believe the shock..

    I've enjoyed your blog and your faith in God.
    Have a blessed day..

  11. I just read your blog - bless your heart, you're gonna have your hands full foe a while. My dad had the same surgery, and he said the physical therapy was worse than the surgery.. prayers of healing for both of you..


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