Friday, April 22, 2011

I Humbly Thank You...

Hello, my dear sweet blogging friends!  I'm sitting all comfy (???) right here under the warm covers of my cozy bed.....

I deeply appreciate all of your prayers....

My temp. is down from 102.9 to 99.8 and I am beginning to feel somewhat better.....I had so many chills last night and could hardly rest because my entire body was hurting.  But, I did see Dr. Chris today and he gave me two shots, took a chest xray to check for pneumonia, lots of blood work and three prescriptions.  I think I might be heading down the right track for a mend....

Not sure if it was the meds or what, but my hubby tells me that I told him sometime today that my grandparents that were here when Jesus was crucified would be something like my 2025th grandparents..(you know, there was a period of time when people didn't live as long)

I think that sometime in my off and on sleeping, I was thinking about the crucifixion of Jesus.
I have felt TERRIBLE today, but how dare I complain!  After all, I have a savior that loves me and he bore the stripes on HIS back for my healing.....I was also thinking about 
HIS nailed pierced hands and feet and this disgraceful death that Jesus suffered.  HE gave HIS life for us.  HIS mercy and grace are good.  MY GOD   HOW GREAT THOU ART!

I appreciate you all and I humbly thank you for your prayers.



  1. Get lots of rest and let the medication do its' work.We sang the song How Great Thou Art in church this morning,I love it.

  2. Oh no I missed that you were unwell.

    Big soft squishy healing hugs sent your way~!


  3. Hi Shug, Glad you went to the doctor.. Sounds like he gave you what it takes to make you WELL.... I hope tomorrow will be a good day for you... Just don't OVER-DO.....

    I just heard Carrie Underwood on TV sing the best version of "How Great Thou Art" that I think I have ever heard... Made me cry my eyes out--I was SO moved...

    Happy Easter.

  4. OH Shug! I am soo sorry you have been feeling badly! My prayers are with you and I hope you wake up feeling much better! Have a blessed and beautiful Easter Weekend my friend!

  5. So glad to hear that you seem to be on the mend!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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