Saturday, April 23, 2011

I can see clearly Now!

Good Morning Sunshine, Good Morning World, Good Morning Friends!!

I have great news to report from right here in good Ol' East Texas....

1.  I am fever FREE this morning!!  Woo Hoo

2.  In just a few hours, there will be a helicoptor flying near our house and it is going to drop 20,000   {TWENTY THOUSAND} eggs from the sky....
This is what we call excitement here in our area!!   HUGE COMMUNITY EGG HUNT!


Let me take a little time to elaborate on number three....

Our new windows for the house were ordered a couple of months ago, and this is the week that they were delivered and the week that the installer needed to put them in. Thursday was the big day!

New windows in the house waiting to be installed!

Stuff that came off of my ceiling pot hanger in the kitchen....STACKED UP

Everything had to pulled away from the windows, so my house was in total disarray!!
Oh....I did mention that I was sick didn't I???  lol

Me and my upside down house!

One of the OLD you see all the paint chips?   These were super nice windows for the day and time that our home was built but, it was time for them to go....
It was going to cost more just to have the windows stripped and repainted than what it was going to cost to have them replaced with double pane storm windows that have the folding mechanism to allow me to take each portion of the window out and clean it...

New window........

It is absolutely amazing how much difference it makes in this house.
The outside noise has been drastically reduced and now I can't wait to see the savings on our electrical bill from changing from the single pane windows to the new energy efficient windows...

So glad we made the change!

What's Next....New FRONT DOORS!!  This will be a big WOO HOO!!

Lord, You are my Hope of heaven, my Hope of peace, my Hope of change, purpose and unconditional Love....Fill the reservoir of my heart to overflowing with the Joy that real Hope brings.. amen!

Have a Blessed Easter Weekend!



  1. WooHoo! Hooray for feeling better and for new windows! Enjoy the egg hunt, and Happy Easter!

  2. Congratulations on the new windows! They look great! Nice view!! Glad you're feeling better just in time for the renos! Not sure about the egg hunt, hope no one gets hurt when these things fall from the sky, lol! I bet it is exciting especially for kids of all ages! Blessings for a wonderful Easter!

  3. I am so glad you are feeling better, Shug! Was the doctor able to help? Your old windows look just like ours. We have been needing new for a long time. We have the original ones from the 50's when the house was built. I can't wait to see your doors! Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  4. Great news to hear you are fever free.Those new windows look good.

  5. Glad you are feeling better and LOVE those new windows. That is my current wish for our old house.

  6. Feeling better and with new windows, great Easter! Beautiful, I'm so happy for you!
    Have a wonderful Easter.


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