Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stay True....Stay You!

If we are not TRUE to ourselves....we cannot be TRUE to others!!

Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not possess, and to gain applause, which he cannot keep........
                                        Samuel Johnson

I have never met anyone that loves rejection!

It feels great to be a part of something... for example, being accepted into a social group that is recognized by it's popularity.

Why is this so important to so many people?

The worse thing we can do is to pretend to be someone other than who we really are.  Especially, if our actions are simply to gain acceptance from a certain group of people.

I think the reason a lot of people do this is to escape their own emptiness.....

When we are not true to ourselves, we become someone who spends most of their time learning to ACT, or we become a person that is plagued with little white lies.

These little white lies can become habitual and can go on for years and years...

It takes a lot of courage {especially if you are at a place in your life where you are unhappy} to stand firm and be who you really are!!

We all have talents, and to recognize these talents and accept them can bring you an enormous amount of happiness if it is channeled in the right direction...

We need to be who WE really are and we need to stand on what we believe!

The best gift that we can give to ourselves is to let our own uniqueness and our own individuality SHINE!!

Shug Sez......
I have heard this said many times:  "Originality is a by-product of SINCERITY!!


  1. Great Post Shug!!
    I think being true to your self is a sign of being mature and wise. The older we get the more we learn to know and love ourselves.
    So happy to stop in a catch up!
    Blessings, Jill

  2. Well, I think everyone wears a mask to a certain extent! It is just in how far you go. And isn't it true that we want to fit in and will be very uncomfortable in trying to do that! We just all want love and for people to like us. But the key is we want them to like US, not someone they think we are!

  3. I like to think that I do not put on an act,but it may happen at times.I try vey hard to be myself on the blog,I would hate for anyone to think I was someone I am not.So in short,what you see is what you get,when it comes to Ruth.
    Thanks for this post.

  4. I am pretty much like RUTH'S PHOTO BLOG...what you see is what you get with me, too.

    I always loved the little saying
    "She tells enough little white lies to ice a wedding cake." :)

  5. Ah yes. Such true words.. I think all of us are much better off just being who we are. So..I collect sweet doll clothes and watch my Grands and the neighbors little girls..hold them gently and comb their's nice. I loved this made me feel better about being who I am...thanks for that.

  6. So true, so very true.
    What you see is what you get.
    I think this is a struggle in blogland sometimes,
    more followers, better posts. lots of comments
    the list could go on.
    But ya just goota be yourself!


  7. Great post, Shug..... I spent too many years running away from old friends --after I had gained alot of weight. I was embarrassed and couldn't live with myself, Knowing that these old friends knew me when I was much thinner...

    Finally, I learned to accept myself --and learned to love myself just as I am. I'm just ME --and now I'm happy about that.


  8. I agree with what Ruth said. I'm still young at heart, but I don't mind telling my age. I've learned to be happy with who I am, even tho there's always room for improvement!

  9. Thank you for this post........loving Jesus right along side of you!!!!!!! It is wonderful who He tells who we really are.........loved by Him. How can we go wrong with that? Smile and just want you to know you are one special lady!

    Have a special day and keep shining!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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