Saturday, March 12, 2011

Simple Saturday

Simple Saturday....


"It's Me O Lord....Standing In The Need Of Prayer"

This is one of those good Ol' gospel songs that I love.

There are many people all around us that are in need of our prayers...I know that Right here in my neck of the woods, there are many, many NEEDS!

Two little girls from our community {4th grade and 8th grade}  Both of their parents died in a house fire this week....they need our prayers desperately.

A good friend whose new born baby boy is in need of  healing...This child need our prayers.

Another good friend that has been in ICU with an
autoimmune disease for the past two weeks....She needs prayer. My sister-in-laws mother has just been diagnosed with Cancer.  Prayers for her and for my sweet, sweet, sister-in-law Lisa.

And just as importantly, the people of Japan need our prayers.  The Country of Japan has suffered a major disaster..There are overwhelming concerns there.  OUR PRAYERS ARE MOST DEFINITELY NEEDED!

Interceding on the behalf of other people...Going to the throne of God and taking burdens and taking needs to our Heavenly Father....  This is what God longs for us to do! 

Grace is sufficient for you as His strength is made perfect in weakness. (2 Cor. 12:9) When you are weak, He is strong. When you let go and let God, you open the door to miracles and wonderful testimonies of His goodness!

Shug Sez.....

Be a Blessing to those in need....Go to the Lord on their behalf


  1. Amen to that. My prayer list is getting so long! :( Hope you enjoy your weekend.

  2. There is no end to the need of prayer. You are good to remind us and share your prayer concerns too. I'm so glad that in spite of all the bad news we have a wonderful future where none of these things can ever touch us again.

  3. Hi Shug,

    Isn't it wonderful that we can turn to a loving Heavenly Father in prayer? He is always there, ready to listen to our pleas, comfort our souls, guild and direct us, and answer our prayers. What a comfort it is to know that there are people all over the world, praying and pleading for all of those in need today!


  4. We all join together in prayer for those who are suffering.
    If it were not for God's goodness,where would we be?


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........