Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Run Buddy Run".....


This is what they call our grand-dog.  Buddy is a golden colored cocker-spaniel and he is just the most adorable thing you have ever seen...

If you could be around him for just a short time, you would definitely fall smad...dad....in love with Buddy!  He will crawl up in your lap like a big baby and do everything that he possibly can to get your attention.

I want you to understand though, that Buddy does have his share of issues...One,.... being that he loves to run!   Do you remember the scene in the "Forest Gump" movie, when Ginny tells Forest...."Run Forest Run?"

Well.....Forest Gump doesn't hold a light to Buddy when it comes to running!!  He can run faster than a rabbit being chased by a ten legged dog.   When he gets the chance, he will  sniff out every opportunity possible  to get a head start on you.  Buddy  then likes to watch you chase after him until you fall on your face from exhaustion.

My....what a dog!  This past Sunday evening, Buddy escaped.... he did catch that opportunity.... just before the leash was snapped, He dashed out the back door...Off he went.  Now, normally he will come back home within an hour or so and sit there waiting for someone to open the door for him..

This time.....he did not come home!  After about two hours, our panic button had been pushed.

Sam posted on his facebook that Buddy was missing and I'm so glad he did.  This was just what we needed to get the search going.  I think everyone in town was on the look out for our run away grand-dog.

I felt so bad for the kids because they were so upset.  Tori has such a tender heart for animals and she and Buddy really are like two peas in a pod..She was so upset and was so scared that someone had taken him, and was going to keep him or sell him...all she could do was CRY!

Did you know that God cares about the little things that concern us?  I prayed that God would lead Buddy back home and when I talked to Trista, she said that the kids were praying that Buddy would be safe and return home.

Early, yesterday morning, Trista got a phone call from the city secretary who informed her that Buddy had been found.  A super nice lady that lives in an addition across the road from where our kids live, had seen him and she put him up in her back yard for the night.

Thank goodness for Face Book...Thank you Lord for answered prayers...and many thanks to this sweet lady for taking care of Buddy..

This situation really was a little scary and a bit stressful, but all turned out well and we are so happy to have BUDDY {the run away dog} back home!

Shug Sez.....

Let Jesus Be In Your Heart This Day.....


  1. Hi Shug!

    What a cute pup! We used to have a dog that loved to run too - it's scary! So glad that he had a guardian angel watching out for him... :0)


  2. Good Morning Mom,
    I think we will change his name to Forest. That is perfect name for him and he doesn't even answer to Buddy :) We really did miss him and the thought of being gone forever was awful. We are soooooo glad he was safe. Thanks to all of you who helped look for our "Forest....previously known as Buddy"

  3. God really does care about EVERYTHING that happens in our lives,even runaway dogs.I think I as an adult could learn from this.Give the matter to God and watch Him work for my good and His glory.

  4. Oh Shug! I am sooo glad God brought your Buddy home to you all!! I have soo many pet stories that the Lord has intervened on! One time our cat went missing....oh the tears, the prayers, and the worry!! we looked everywhere! Our neighbor was one that attended alot of flea markets. They would purchase old storage units in which the people did not make payments for a while and would get all the contents in them and then they would go sell it all. Anyway, our cat climbed up into his trailer and got comfy. Fell asleep and while they were at the flea market he came out. Our neighbor called us and told us he had him and would be bringing him home! Can you even believe it??? He rode clear to another town and stayed hidden almost the whole time! But the Lord saved our sweet kitty and brought him home!! We were beyond thankful!!!

  5. When I first saw your post title, before I even started reading, I thought of Run Forest, Run, and wondered how you were going to tie that quote in with your post. I'm so glad Buddy is back safe and sound. What a scary thing for the kids to have to go through!! He looks so gentle and sweet!! I bet he was scared, too. Seems like he just ran too far for once and couldn't find his way back. A riak we take when we run too far from God.

  6. Hi Shug, Found your blog through others, hope you don't mind a new follower.So glad Buddy is back home; I appreciate your love for him, we have 3 dogs and they're our big loves! I'm also a domestic (Goddess) engineer and just love it too. Always a lot to do but I enjoy everything through God's grace.
    Enjoy your week, Blessings from MI!

  7. So glad Buddy is home. We've had two cockers for their life times in our family, and I like them. Our last one, Freckles was a wanderer too.

  8. Hi Shug, so glad little Buddy was found and now is home safe and sound. We sure love our pets, don't we? Hugs, Cheryl

  9. Glad to hear that "the runner" is back home.
    This is the perfect illustration that there
    ARE still nice people in the world.


  10. Oh what a happy ending. He is the cutest little dog. I am so glad you found him......that would have been so sad!

    Ellianna is on life support right now. They are having complications. It is so sad........please keep praying and thank you so much!

    Hugs, Linda

  11. He looks like such a sweetie. Glad things worked out. Funny how our pets become part of the family, mine certainly are.

  12. What a great looking dog! So glad that Forest was finally found and came home! What a sweetie pie!

  13. What an adorable dog. We hope to buy a place where we can have a dog again. We have two indoor cats and one got out last summer. The person taking care of them didn't close the door properly. Scruffy was out almost 24 hours before
    I got home and realized it. I was devastated.
    I too prayed. Then the neighborhood stray came up to me 3 times, but not all the way. He didn't want me to pet him as usual. He kept moving away to the delapidated house full of junk ---it's the cat hang out. I finally wised up and followed him. I heard her before I could see her. She was trapped behind the steps and terrified. I think he wanted to get her out of his house--he probably couldn't get any sleep!:)

    I've been meaning to visit since you came to mine. I like your set-up and hope to come back.


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