Friday, March 25, 2011

Look For Them...They are All Around

When we take time to notice the simple things in life, we never lack for encouragement....We can discover that we are surrounded by limitless hope every single day!

For me, the key to living a happy life is in knowing what matters most in life to us and living within our means...

I will tell you this....the simple pleasures in life is what helps me keep my sanity in check....

My new calendar has some great pictures and reminders for me to think about each month...."Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures."

Take my morning coffee for example.....I'm not sure if it's the coffee or the early morning hours of quietness!  You know, before the rush of the day takes over..  A simple pleasure....but one I look forward to each day!

Old Wash Tubs......

Life is good when you own several old wash tubs....A person can do so much with these things!!  Not only do they bring back great memories for me to think about, but they bring me great pleasure when I see beautiful flowers cascading from them...

And how about Flowers......

Flowers ..........Such simple pleasures to brighten any day!


Oh Wow....I could never say enough about Family!
My family is truly my greatest pleasure in life.....


I know, I know....some might would question as to whether or not FAITH is simple....
For me, it is!  It is a simple pleasure....Knowing that I serve a Mighty GOD, and knowing that He loves me and wants the best for me is all I need to enjoy this beautiful pleasure....

Nature......the spontaneous moments of seeing God's Beauty in our every day life....{Simple Pleasures}

The Bliss....The delight....The contentment of being in LOVE..
Being in Love and having someone to love you in return brings complete joy to my life....

Isabella Precious Pollard

I am almost certain you all have seen this picture before....A simple pleasure in my life........She is the sweetest little thing and loves kids....


Oh.....and did I mention ????



Each of these things cost very little....but yet they are worth MUCH!!

Shug Sez.....

love your life....enjoy the simple pleasures that are offered to you every single day....Look for them, they are there!!


  1. AMEN and AMEN! My dear Hubby and I have often talked about how the things that cost very little or nothing,bring the most pleasure and contentment.I do miss having him at my side,but I also know that God knew I could handle this,so I look to Him for help.I take great joy in simple things.After having spilled my heart,thanks for this lovely post and for being you,my friend.

  2. Being a newer follower, I have not met Isabella yet, she is TOO cute!!! Did you take that shot of the yellow beach sunset? It is georgous!!! I love your washtub with the wooden bird in it! If I happened to pass it by, I would be stopping to snap it!

  3. Hi Shug, what a sweet post. I loved it. So very heartfelt. The more I get to know you the more I like you! :) Have a wonderful day.
    It's raining here..and cold. But that only makes it cozy!
    Everything was just lovely..and made for a wonderful Spring day..

  4. Awe--the simple pleasures of life... I LOVE 'em all!!!!! AND--I would add WATERFALLS to the list.... ha

    Does your hubby have a brother or cousin named Joe Pollard? I think the Pollard's I used to know in Texas now live in Hot Springs, AR.


  5. Lovely thoughts and photos. It's obvious that you have a lot of joy.

  6. Probably my fav post of yours so far!

    Lovely sentiments and every so true!



  7. Looks like your cup of joy is bubbling over! Absolutely beautiful photos - so nostalgic! That sunset is so stunning - would love to sit there for hours!! Thanks!!

  8. AMEN! Our granddaughters have been staying with us for a week, they're going back home about 3 hours away and I already miss them! We had such great quality time, enjoyed baking cookies, brownies, painting and having lots of simple things...really priceless! Didn't cost much. Your photos are gorgeous. I ove your shitzu, she's so cute.
    Thanks for pasing by and for the loveliest and sweet comments.

  9. What beautiful words and photos to match. Thanks for sharing and helping remind me of the simple blessing and pleasures we all can be thankful for in our lives!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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