Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'll Pay It Forward......

Good Morning Friends!

My kids may be out of school this week, but I'm NOT.......

Earlier in the week I posted about learning how to have more traffic on my blog... friends stepped up to the plate and gave me a lot of good info. to help me get the ball rolling.  But now I'm stuck again!!

I have learned a lot from all of my blogging friends during the ONE year that I have been out here in the world of web.  HOWEVER....there is still so much that I do not know...I wouldn't even mind taking a class on blogging, but there isn't one offered in my area.

This means that I have to turn to all of you for help.
Let me see......., Malinda @ Country Dreaming and her sweet husband Mr. Ken have helped.   Mr. Ken was so generous to post picture after picture showing me exactly what to do and what buttons to click. {Have you ever heard of Kindergarten?}  When it comes to technology, I may be retained in kindergarten for a long time!

 ...Ginny @ Let Your Light Shine has given me some much needed advice   { thanks Ginny:  You have such a precious heart}  ..and then, Katharine @ Just A Thought sent me detailed information about linking....{Stop in and visit Katharine...You will be Blessed}

 I checked out several MEMES and would love to be a part of them, but I still do not know how to link...I get confused about linky and when to use them!  How do you link with all these blogs?  How are other peoples blogs linked to my blog? 

I have noticed that when you all mention another blog in your comments, we can click on that name and the blog automatically comes up....HOW?  And like when it says {click Here}  how does by clicking Here take you to another sight??

I told Katharine that I am definitely a visual learner, so reading something and understanding it is quite a challenge for me...Sorry Katharine...your info was great, but..I still don't have it.  Not knowing how to do all this fancy stuff is keeping me from being able to join in a lot of good conversation and it also keeps me from being able to enter for some good  give aways!

 I just can't get it.........

Did anyone say it's Elementary......

I'm almost positive that this would be a breeze for most elementary kids.. 

I'm gonna try to study a little harder, but in the mean time.....if any of you have a simple technique....PLEASE send it my way!
I promise I'll pay it forward!!  {Hope you all will be patient with me as I endeavor to be a good blogger}

Have a Happy Day My Friends!!
just a thought

Shug Sez.....

I am thankful for good blogging friends!


  1. Hi Friend, I was a teacher. I think I can help you with alot of stuff... I will email you with how to put a link on your blog... Then you can ask what else you want to know... IF possible, I will certainly try to help you.

    I am NOT a meme person --but you can email someone (I'll give you her email address) and she can tell you what to do...

    It's hard to explain stuff in comments--so email is better...


  2. I am the same as you are, I learn by seeing someone do it! I was the same way you are, and it was my blogging friends who helped me with many things. So let's start with one thing first, how to make a link that someone can click on and go somewhere. First, go to whatever place you want the link to take people. If it's an older post of yours, then go there. Now go up to the address box and copy the address. You do this by right clicking on it, then click on COPY in the box that comes up. That's the first step. Now go to your blog compose box and start to write your post. When you get to the word that you want to make the link, hilight it. Now look at the bar on top of the compose box, see that row of letters and things? Click on the fifth one from the left, it looks like a little squigly thing. If you run your cursor over it, it will say LINK. Now a box will come up fot you to put the link address in. Erase anything in the box to make it empty, then right click in it and paste the address by right clicking and choosing paste. The address should go in, then hit O.K. This is all much easier than it sounds, I would be glad to guide you through it on the phone, or you can e-mail me with any questions, feel free.

  3. I started blogging just over a year ago and I am all self taught from scratch. I knew nothing to start with. If I can help in any way please sing out!

  4. I have to say that I learn best by doing, so just playing around with all of the blogger buttons has helped me a lot.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...