Tuesday, March 15, 2011

HIS Amazing Splendor


Spring is dancing all around me.....and I just can't stop sneezing....

Pollen is in the air!

Have you ever had one of those days when you just wanted to stay home and be creative?  I had one yesterday...the only thing is I couldn't stay home and therefore, I couldn't be creative.

Sam had given me way too many errands to run!  But, you know what?  God had a spectacular day awaiting me!

God planned every moment of my day and I am so glad HE did.....

I would love for you to take a moment and view what God put before me....


Blooms of a beautiful dog-wood tree as it's buds were bursting with New Life...

Each delicate white or pink blossom of the dogwood has the form of a cross – two long and two short petals. Look closely at a dogwood flower and you will see on the center of the outer edge of each petal there are small holes mindful of nail prints, and the tips of the petals are rusty on one side and brown-red on the other. It is not hard to imagine they represent the spikes that pierced the Hands and Feet of Our Lord on the Cross. And in the center of the flower there is a green cluster that recalls the crown of thorns.

Let me tell you, My Heart Was So Full Of JOY!   And then, God had something else in store for me......

A beautiful bed of yellow daffodils and yellow pansies...

But wait......just around the corner was another sight to brighten my day...

God...HE keeps on giving!

Hands Down....this was my favorite!

What a day...and I thank God for directing my path along the trail of HIS amazing splendor!

Shug Sez.....

Enjoy the Blessings of this day.....


  1. So beautiful! Wow you have so many things in bloom! I can't wait for ours to come, but here it will be more like April before we see any Tulips... Isn't God good!
    Blessings on your day!

  2. Wow Shug, You all do have alot of spring colors down there now... Ours are not nearly ready to bloom yet. We have ONE Daffodil in bloom --but that is about all except for the Crocuses....

    Love the tulips. Wow!!!

  3. Super beautiful!!!
    We will have Spring too soon. Things are beginning to take shape. Now if we could be finished with these crazy boughts of snow.
    The tulips are my fave too.


  4. God always knows best how to plan our days! We don't have anything like this here yet! A bit of forsythia, some jonquils, that's all. Thanks for taking us with you or a lovely day out!!!

  5. Your photos are gorgeous and your attitude is wonderful. It is a treat to visit here. I hope you have a great evening. Blessings...Mary

  6. Thanks for sharing these blessings.God is amazing.I love Him for who He is.

  7. Beautiful spring flowers! Love the photos, Shug. I can't wait for spring flowers, but it will be a while before much blooms here. We had snow yesterday, but thankfully it warmed up nicely today and it all left. Have a great Wednesday! Hugs, Cheryl


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