Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Check It Out!

Junk, crafts, home decorating, purses, clothes, more junk, antiques, food, furniture, flowers, tools, sheets, bicycles, dogs, animals, birds, pictures, guns, knifes, fishing equipment, childrens clothing, make-up, cabinets, more antiques, more food and a lot more JUNK....

This is what "First Monday" is all about....

Trista, Shanda, and Mylee met us on Sunday at FM.....

My First purchase on Saturday...We have four grandsons playing ball and one granddaughter playing softball, I think I will have plenty of baseball games to go to this summer, so why not dress in style!  But wait....I can't wear this shirt everyday, can I?

My Sweetheart is so SWEET.....Look what he bought for me!  I love it!

Look at these cute little things.....Looks like Easter is on it's way!

This is a picture of the cute little booth where I purchased the bunny faces!

Check this out!  I bought a Bird!!
I think I am falling in love with birds....

I can already see these charming sunflower dishes sitting on my table...
Can't wait to serve up some Fresh Scones, fruit and Hot tea!
Want to join me?

The perfect kitchen....I can take it with me to all those baseball games, and I will be able to feed the whole crew! 

Sam was a real trooper....He shopped all day Sat. and all day Sun. with me....Have I told you that I love this guy!!

Jellies, pepper jelly, Hot sauce! 
And by the way....the tomato's in the background are FRESH and they are delicious!

Bottle Brush Plant....I have the perfect spot in my yard for these plants!

OK...I know that these say Wine-Rita....
All you need is some crushed ice, some ginger ale, a blender and this mix!
Makes a sensational summer drink...NO ALCOHOL!

Check out these darling bunnies!  cute! cute! Cute!

Our Girls!!!!  shop till you drop!

My last purchase!!  Everyone needs a TEXAS shirt!

Sam wasn't able to get the Double standing Wash tub that he really wanted.  He spotted it on Sat. and when he went back to get it on Sunday, someone had just purchased the thing about 10 min. before he got there......

We had an outstanding weekend and I am already looking forward to next month's "First Monday"

Shug Sez....

Enjoy life....Take time to enjoy your family!


  1. Looks like a fabulous time! And this happens every first Monday of the month? Your weather looks wonderful too, so glad you enjoyed yourself!

  2. What a fan-tabulous sale. I LOVE this kind of shopping. There is always something for everyone. Love your t's and Yes, you can wear that shirt to every game. Dress it up and down with belts, jewelry, scarves,...your GrandLoves will notice and you will have a blast. Gotta get me a new TX shirt, mine are all done in. Love your sparkly one. Those bunnies and chicks are bringing Easter in. It sure is late this year. Church tonight. Too bad you live so far away. I have a double tub. Your guy would have to fight me for it tho. I plant flowers in it.
    Ha! Your girls and theirs are adorable.

  3. Call me when the scones are ready - been wanting some. Not sure about the TEXAS shirt - think it might be orange. Have a great day - Marsha

  4. I am a bit jealous! This all looks so wonderful and totally my kind of thing to attend.

  5. Ummm, I LOVE these kind of places. So glad you had a great time. Loving those sunflower plates sooo much.
    I just came from thrifting with a grandson, who was looking for a small round dining table for his first apartment..well, really a little house.
    Had fun spending time with him. :)
    Now, I'll have a Rita but I want ALL the stuff in it. :)))
    O, the recipe for the lemon pie..there's a link right there in the post. The recipe is from Southern Living and the best I've ever eaten.
    Just in case you don't realize it, you have word verf. on.
    just sayin'....:)

  6. Thanks so much for taking me along shopping with you!!! I am a SHOPPER, and haven't really been able to do much lately, so this is almost as much fun as going myself!! I always say the next best thing to shopping is watching other people shop!! I always love to look in their carts and see what they got. I don't really know about first Mondays, but I would go every Monday!! I LOVE the bird, because we are birdwatchers!! And my other favorite is the sunflower plates, so pretty!

  7. I am SO jealous! Looks like heaven to me. Lovely piccies! Everything I love in one place! xxx

  8. Trade Days are so much fun! Glad to "meet" you, Shug! We ARE just down the road from each other. Your blog is great! I'll be back!

  9. Looks like a fun outing!
    Cute, cute, cute goodies.


  10. What Fun and What awesome goodies you got! Your girls are beautiful!! Your family is precious I just love it :)


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........