Thursday, February 17, 2011

Strength Of A Survivor

I just love this picture of our precious grandson

~  The words written on this picture are "And if one door opens to another door closed, I hope you keep on walking till you find the window"

I know these are unusual words to find on a picture like this, but I am reminded each time I look at the picture, of the strength Tucker has had during the past four years.....

 Tucker had just turned eight when we found out he had leukemia, and he is now twelve.  He is a


{This past Monday, Tucker went for his check-up}

cancer (and you might notice that I did not give this word a capital C) is not a disease that you want any child to have.  As I have said many times before, the treatments are so terrible and especially difficult for a growing child.   Chemo and radiation are used to treat cancer, and as much as we want it to do it's job to kill the cancer cells,  it can also cause a lot of harm to the good cells in our bodies.  

We are so very thankful that Tucker is a Survivor, but he still has to deal with a few things that are the results of  these harsh treatments. 

Needless to say, life can take you back a step or two after your body is filled with chemo and it can definitely weaken your abilities as an athlete.  The muscles in his legs are weak and he still has some neuropathy in his feet.  He struggles to lift his toes off of the ground which in turn causes him not to be able to run very fast.  It is somewhat of a challenge to run as fast as he once did, but he gives it his all.  Tucker still plays basketball and baseball, but he has to make greater efforts to make the moves that his brain is telling him he needs to make........

His love for hunting excites us all.....His Pops has spent many hours with him, teaching him how to shoot a Bow and Tucker has spent many hours perfecting his shot.  What a wonderful Blessing!

It is true that some doors may be  ~  1/2  ~   way closed for Tucker right now, but he has done an awesome job by not letting this be his focus.  He has kept on walking and he has found something that fulfills his happiness.

With this kind of attitude....there will not be anything that he can not accomplish.  Who knows what God has in store for him....He may grow up to be an excellent outdoors man.   God could also open a window for Tucker to work with kids that have cancer and teach them how to overcome obstacles.  One thing we know for sure....If God opens a window or a door, He will provide everything that Tucker needs to go through it!

{He is all smiles with all the goodies he got this past Monday at the hospital clinic}

{His Beads Of Courage from the hospital clinic}

{The beads are beautiful and each one stands for something that these kids have endured through the process of their treatments}

{We are so proud of our little SURVIVOR.....goofy faces and all}

Shug Sez......

Support "Wipe Out Kids Cancer"


  1. How beautiful! God certainly does open windows and doors, and how exciting to see what he has in store for your grandson!

  2. So thrilled for Tucker and the way he has handled cancer - he has been an encouragement to many and can't wait to see what path God has for him!!

  3. Go Tucker GO!!! He looks like such an amazing young man! And I LOVE his goofy face & smiles. :)

    My youngest daughter had an acute/chonic illness from 6 months old until she finally outgrew it in her 20s. Daily blood tests, medicines, careful diet, surgery, and many many many trips back and forth to the hospital. She is now 27 years old and the mama to a sweet little girl.

    So yes, those doors and windows are open for Tucker, and he will do great!!!


  4. What a special post! God's blessing of wellness for Tucker and a wonderful future all in God's timing!

  5. Sounds like he is an awesome young man....maybe having Shug & Pops has helped him become one. Proud for you all and hope he continues doing great!

  6. I agree with every comment that has been posted. :) Indeed, what a blessing! I saw a segment on CBS Sunday Morning a few weeks back about a woman who makes beads for kids fighting cancer and I just bawled. Those little beads are badges of courage. Love your posts and thank you so much for your encouragement!

  7. The visit to Children's Dallas went well. His blood counts looked good and his Dr. was pleased with him being in Therapy. I really appreciate all of the help you and dad have given. There is not doubt I have the best parents in the world. loves

  8. What an amazing story and tribute to your grandson!! He is so handsome and brave!! And I see he still has a goofy sense of humor, wow!!! This make sme think of the bible telling us we need to be more like children! I am getting ready to do a post on the ways that are signigant. Isn't it wonderful how children can snap back so fast from things like this, where it takes us older ones more time. And I am sure Tucker can teach us ALL some lessons, especially about being upbeat through trials!!!

  9. Your Tucker is a brave and good looking young man! Bless his heart, he has been through a lot and it's good to read that he is doing so well now. He's a lucky guy to have wonderful and loving grandparents to encourage him, too! Hugs, Cheryl

  10. Oh Shug, I did not know that your grandson had gone through that... Bless his heart.. He is such a handsome young man... Cancer is a horrible disease for ANY age. Sounds like Tucker has a marvelous attitude --which will take him far. I will keep him --and your family in my prayers.

  11. I am one of Tucker's biggest fans! I am fascinated by his strength and outlook on life. You sweet words and pictures brought me to tears. He has come so far. I am so thankful he is a survivor and he remains in my prayers.


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Shower and Travels

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