Friday, February 18, 2011

A Bargain Crafty Kind of Gal.....

Does your calendar say the same thing as mine?  It's FRIDAY!!!!
                ~~ And I love it ~~

This is my favorite day of week.......................
              I love Sunday's too!!

Every day is really great when we spend time Praising the Lord!!

I'll bet you didn't know this, but I truly am a CRAFTY kind of gal...

I know you haven't seen anything from me lately, but the reason for that was because of my hands and now they are FIXED.....WooHoo!!

Thought I'd take a little time this morning to show you the project I finished just in time for one of Taylor's Christmas gifts.

First Monday is a wonderful place to go.....There once was a time when you could find some bargains, but honey let me tell you..... You won't find many bargains now days!.... {For those of you that are not familiar with First Monday, it is a HUGE event that happens the weekend prior to the first Monday of each month.  It's a gigantic indoor/outdoor shopping extravaganza.  Antiques, Junk, handmade crafts, clothes....anything and everything you would want to buy.}  It is in Canton, Texas and it just so happens that we only live 30 minutes away from there.  You could shop non-stop for 2 days, and probably not see it all!

Well....way back yonder, I saw this beautifully decorated mirror that I thought would look so cute in Taylor's room......The Price???  $250.00

You can rest assured that this lady was not going to pay that kind of price for something that I knew I could make....

I kept the image of the mirror at First Monday in my I gathered all my supplies and went right to work. 

Beads, Jewels, Old Buttons, Old Jewelry that I didn't wear any more, and I did pick up a few small items at Hobby Lobby......

The first thing I did was to cover the frame of the mirror with card stock and some decorative paper.  I used "The Basics" from the Paper studio.  I Cut the paper into the shapes that I wanted to use for my background.....I then used Mod Podge to cover the back of the paper before applying it to the frame.  After that was all done, I brushed a top layer of the Mod Podge on top of the paper to seal it.

I had to let this dry for a day.....{This was the hard part for me, because I was trying to keep it a secret from Taylor, so I had to be careful not to leave anything out for her to see}

When the top layer had dried, I just started placing my Bling, Bling, all around the frame.  So simple, so easy! 

When I finished placing all the stones and bling where I wanted it, I then brushed another coat of Mod Podge on the top.

I let it Dry a couple of days.....and then I used felt on the back of
my mirror for an extra little boost!

The End Results....

The good thing here is that this mirror cost me less than $45.00
to make.

$15.00 for the mirror that I purchased at the dollar store.
$9.99 for the book of paper (and I have a lot of paper left over for other projects)
Glue, Mod Podge, Buttons, and Stones.......$12.00
Felt.....less than $5.00

Can't beat that!!

This was a fun project and Taylor loved the gift....

Shug Sez.....

I hope happiness will always find you!


  1. Oh man!!!! This is beautiful!!!! You are a very talented crafter!! You could sell this for at least $200.oo!! It's a one of a kind masterpiece!

  2. Oh how creative you are, Shug... I'm impressed --and jealous since I don't have a creative brain at all when it comes to those kinds of things... LOVE it!!!!!!

    Taylor wouldn't like to here this but I wonder if you could have sold it for $250..... Wow--what a steal that would have been!!!!!

    When I lived in Clear Lake, TX---we talked about going to Canton and some of my friends actually did a few times. I never got there --but I'm sorry to hear that there are no bargains these days.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Beautiful job, Shug! I bet Taylor was thrilled to get it. What a special gift!

    When my younger brother was living, he lived in Texas. He told us about First Monday and they used to love to go. It's sad there are no bargains out there any more. One of my fav shops, the Upscale Resale, has raised their prices considerably, too. Bummer.

    Have any more crafting ideas up your sleeve? Now that the hands are fixed up I bet you'll be making all kinds of pretty things! Have a wonderful weekend, Cheryl

  4. Glad you got to blog about this - it is beautiful!! Now to the project you took a picture of in Branson. Have a great week-end!!

  5. LOVE it!!!! I have really wanted to do more stuff like this, especially now that I have a little girl. It's so neat that you can make something so bling bling for not too much $ $! :)


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........