Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Goes Around...Comes Around

Good Morning!  Good Morning!

I need to give you an update on my CRAZY neighbors..
You know...the ones that are always pulling tricks on me.....They were up to it again and this time it backfired!

Now what is that saying?...."What goes around, comes around." 

Seems that Mr. B has now corrupted Mrs. D....
or has she been the ringleader of the tricks all along?

Mrs. D was really in the gift giving mood this Christmas and from what I understand, she found the perfect gift for her special neighbor....that being ME.

She and her two granddaughters just happened upon this perfect gift at the local dollar store.  A snake that grows when you put it in water!

Oh yes....they really had a trick up their sleeve.  They rushed home from the dollar store and immediately the girls put the snake in the sink.  All they needed was a little water...

Their intentions were to have this nice bag of goodies for me and in the bottom of the bag to have this huge snake all curled up.  They could not wait to see the look on my face when I grabbed the snake.

Mrs. D's family had all come by to start their usual celebrations for the evening on Christmas Eve.  (By now the entire family were in on the plans of scaring me to death.)  As they were waiting for the snake to grow to it's full length, they decided to ALL go and drive around town looking at the Christmas lights. 

I think they were probably gone for about two hours and when they returned, both of the girls dashed into the house to check on the snake. 
Both girls returned to the family room to announce that something turned the water on. 

Well.....Yes, the snake had grown....Could it have been the thing that turned the water on?....Perhaps it was the Christmas Ghost. 

I do believe that the next few hours must have been full of chaos for this family!

 As Mr. B and Mrs. D and the rest of the family ran to the back of the house, they found themselves looking at a bathroom full of water.  Water had filled the drawers on the vanity.  Water was on the closet floor....Water was everywhere!

From my understanding....Mrs. D picked the snake up and marched to the back door where she threw the thing out into the yard....

The drawers had to be emptied...The carpet on the closet floor and to be ripped up...The overflow of water had to be vacuumed up.  Just a wonderful way to celebrate a family Christmas....

Needless to say...I did not get my gift!

Shug Sez....

Be good to your neighbors!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Serves them right trying to mess with you! But not really, that sounds like an awful mess! :(


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