Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our Hearts Are Made For Joy!

The Joy Of The Lord is my strength.
                        Nehemiah 8:10

Christmas is the Season of Joy.....

I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart!

We took our annual Family Christmas picture this past weekend and I get so happy just knowing that all my kids are willing to participate. 

I love taking unexpected pictures...These are the best kind!  They capture exactly what is happening at the moment...I believe that when you find delight in these ordinary moments, you're heart finds unbeatable joy!

I also believe that our hearts were made for joy.
We are to explore every single aspect of obtaining joy, but I do not believe we are to keep it all for ourselves. 

Have you ever noticed how a joyful spirit can be contagious?  It is so much easier to laugh and to share in a little joy, when those around you are FULL OF JOY!

The Bible tells us  to "Always be joyful."  First Thessalonians 5:16
Even during our times of trial, we are to keep a spirit of joy about us.  We must believe that God is the source of our joy and He will carry us through any difficult situation that might occur in our lives......."With Joy" 

If we choose a life that is full of joy, then we are faithfully living for God.  If we give Joy to others, then we are doing God's work and we can truly say that Joy without and Joy within.....ALL IS WELL IN OUR SOULS!

Shug Sez.......

Share the Joy of the Season with those you come in contact with today!

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