Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What Happens At Shug's, Stays At Shug's....

What Happens at Shug's, Stays at Shug's...

I am so tickled.....For those of you that know our sweet, precious, youngest daughter (Shanda)
you must know how meticulous she and our son-in-law are....

Dirt is not in their vocabulary, their house is always in order and very clean.....Even the closets and cabinet drawers are clean and organized...Wet ones or Wipes are never more than a foot or two away...

Well Surprise Shanda!

I can not wait for her to see my post today....She is going to flip when she takes a look at these pictures of Mylee Jo!  But....What happens at Shug's 


Just take a look at this sweet little thing....
Barefoot with DIRTY feet.
Hair is totally messed up...NO HAIR BOW.
Dirt between her toes and in her fingernails.
Very Dirty face, and filthy clothes.....

I love it and so did Mylee.....

Oh, and did I say....smells like Bella (The dog)

I think dirt and playing outside helps to make kids healthy...Shan probably thinks we stay inside all day..You know reading books, coloring, fixing our hair, playing with dolls and all that girly stuff...


As you can see, we play in the dirt!

Shug Sez.....

Let them play in the dirt, let them lick the icing bowl, let them wear their PJ's all day....This is called memories at Shug's house......


  1. I love it!! You are making wonderful memories!

  2. I wish I had taken a picture of Daniel yesterday. He would have matched Mylee Jo! He has been staying with Seth's mom because his daycare is closed this week. He was covered in dirt from head to toe when I picked him up yesterday. Dirt is definitely good for them. Better than sitting inside watching TV all day! :)

  3. Grandparents get to do things like this - get over it Shanda!

  4. My precious little "sugar and spice and everything's nice" daughter has many days at sugar's where she is "snips and snails and puppy dog tails".


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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