Friday, November 5, 2010

My List.....

What?  You too?....I thought I was the only one that needed a good hot cup of coffee early this morning!

So, I guess you are all waiting on the details of my November give away.....All the details will be posted this coming Monday....Nov. 8th.
Once again, if you are not a follower, then hurry up and add your face to my follow list.  It is so simple! Check the left margin of my blog and click on the word follow.....There will be directions that will show you how.  You will be so glad you did!!

Thankfulness.....I have so much to be thankful for.
My List!

God, My Savior......He is the Alpha and Omega and I am truly
 thankful that I know HIM..
Salvation......  A changed life!
Bible....The Word!  what I live by
Prayer...An Awesome privilege....Because of God's healing power
and through many prayers, Tucker is healed!! PTL
Life...I am alive! Breathing and able to enjoy all of God's creation.
Love...Totally Magical...true affection
My Husband...My Best Friend and the Love of my life!

Grandchildren...The goodness of life, absolutely Amazing
Smiles...I love giving them and to receive one leaves me feeling good.
Glitter...Reminds me about the sparkle of life.
My Mom..I am so thankful she was my mom..I'm thankful for her love
                    and I'm thankful for her dedication to our family.
My Dad...I am thankful that he is my dad.  I celebrate him with love.
Family...Oh my....Simply Awesome!

Good Friends...Happiness and true Blessings..I love my friends!
Warm Home...Comfort, safety, and full of love.
Kisses...They mean I love you.  I am loved!
Sunrises...My hope for a new day and such a statement of freshness.

Music...Melody's...I love melody's. I love singing Praises to God.
Sunsets...A sweeping beauty that leaves me breathless.

Freedom... God Bless the USA! God Bless the men and women who
serve in order for us to have freedom....
Laughter...Makes the world around me that much better.
Hope...My Faith,
Memories....These make my life that much sweeter.  I never want to
forget cherished moments.

Hugs...They warm my heart in a 1000 different ways!
Kindness... Even the smallest kind word can change a life..
Peace...Peace, Peace, wonderful Peace...
August....My Birthday month...I'm still alive and I love gifts!

Holidays...I'm in love with the Holiday's.
Bear Paw's...Everytime I see one, I am reminded that I have been
Blessed to have had the opportunity to get an education.
Joy....I am thankful for the joy that is in my heart.

Believe me, this list does not end....It is like the energizer bunny, it keeps going and going. 
There are so many more things that my heart would love to share with you, but my hands say that I have to stop....

Shug Sez.....

Be thankful for all that you have!


  1. I guess if we had the time and patience to list ALL our blessings, we'd be here til Kingdom Come...:))
    I love all your blessings, Shug.

  2. What a beautiful Thankful list! I am always glad to stop here for a visit! Have a great weekend!

  3. Heavy on the GOOD FRIENDS - Loved the Blog


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