Saturday, October 9, 2010

Small Town Life

Good Morning Life.....It is so nice to wake up and be excited about the day....

Today is a big day right here in our little community....It is  "Pow Wow" time.   An annual event that takes place the 2nd Sat. in October.  When something big happens in a small town, you can count on everyone showing up. 

The parade is always the first event that takes place.  Everyone gathers on both sides of the streets and stands in amazement as the little homemade floats pass by.  The kids are always thrilled because it's easier than gathering Halloween candy.  The parade participants throw candy as they travel along and most everyone leaves with lots of goodies. 

What I love most about our little parade is that I know almost everyone that is in it.  I am constantly waving or taking pictures of all our family and friends that are riding in the parade.  Trista, Shanda, Tucker, and Trey will be a part of this years procession.  Of course, there is always a huge array of entries.  Our High School Band, drill teams, cheerleaders, Town Officials, clowns, old cars, boy scouts carrying the flags, and I can't possibly forget about the horses that bring up the rear.  (glad I'm not walking behind them)

Our little town (The City With A Heart) is a wonderful place to live.  It is very clean and just a great place to raise a family.  The park is super nice and kids from all around enjoy spending time there.  The baseball park is truly one of the best in our area.  I love how the community all comes together for events like this one today....The funds that are raised go towards the future needs of our town.

After the parade, the grounds are filled with booths that are set up by crafters.  There are also several food booths, inflatables for the kids and always a lot of good ol' entertainment at the main stage.  The Pow Wow gives us a great opportunity to visit with friends that we have not seen in a while.

Oh, I love the small town life, the down to earth life, the simple life.  This is what living is all about....enjoying your neighbors, enjoying the easy going ways of our being. 

Shug Sez..........

Love your neighbor! 

  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. 'There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 29:30-31 (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. Sound like fun, Take lots of pictures!
    Blessings on your day!


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