Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scarecrow Personalities

I just Love how God reaches Out to Us in every wind  that Blows,  in every flower that blooms,  in every fruit that grows,  in    every small   detail of our lives, in every  event that comes our way. 

Think about this.....How fun would it be if a community  organized a "Scarecrow Contest." 

Wouldn't it be an exciting way to celebrate the season with family and friends?

I have a pretty good feeling that the adults would have as much fun as the kids.  I am almost positive that the competitive side of the adults would cause them to work really hard on the project.   Who doesn't love to have the title of "First Place Winner?"

Participants would have the freedom to use their imaginations  (With a FEW exceptions.....After all....Kids would be involved in this event) and try to come up with the winning entry....

Scarecrows can take on the same characteristics as the person building it.  Some may be scary while others may end up looking like a sweet LITTLE old lady!

Just imagine with me for a few minutes.....What type of temperament would your scarecrow have based on your own personality?

1.  Scary and full of fright
2.  Skinny with a plain spoken face
3.  Fluffy with bright eyes and a big smile
4. Kinda Hippie with wild peace signs on it's clothing
5.  A plain stick with very little straw and a drooping face
6.  Precise measurements of the arms, legs and body
wearing ironed clothing
7.  Dainty looking with ruffles and bows
8.  Well built with a smiling face and a sign that says
"Welcome...I'm here to bring you joy"
9.  A sad scarecrow with a slumped body
10.  Big with a body language that means business
like  "Don't mess with me"

Everyone of them would be different in the same way as the differences we all have in our own personalities.  

I just think this would be a great idea for any community.    

I suppose it's time for me to get started on my own scarecrow......Her name will be Sugar..and she will be #8.

Shug Sez........

When we take time to notice the simple things in life, we never lack for encouragement.  We can discover that we are surrounded by limitless hope that's just wearing everyday clothes......

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