Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Card.......

Happy Birthday Sam.............

Today My love, I wish you a happy birthday,
But it’s me who is really blessed,
I get to spend some time with you,
In our comfy, cozy nest.
You are a rare and wonderful person;
You have delightful attributes,
Like competence and intelligence,
And what’s more, lots of cutes!
You have mental strength and character
To guide you on your way;
People sense this strength in you,
And care about what you say
So let’s celebrate your birthday,
Because without it I’d never have met
My darling, wonderful you,
The best thing that’s happened to me yet!


What I Love about you!

1.  Your ability to laugh at yourself and not get mad.
2.  You stand up for what you believe in.
3.  You have the biggest heart and
     you care about people.
4.  The way you sleep in bed with the covers pulled up around
    your head.
5.  The way you prefer your tea to be un-sweet.
6.  That you are a leader and not a follower.
7.  How you take time to teach your grandsons how to hunt
8.  How  you are good at being the boss.....But sometimes you let
     me think I am the boss.
9.  When you apologize, you mean it!
10.  You never grumble about what I cook...
11.  You need lots of sleep
12.  If you don't get lots of nap in your chair.
13.  Your beautiful eyes..
14.  Your cute bottom.
15.  How much you love your girls.
16.  You refuse to throw food out.
17.  You eat anything even it has been in the ref. a long time.
18.  How you neatly hang up your clothes.
19.  How you are the most wonderful grandfather.
20.  You love the Lord.
21.  You don't really like yard work.
22.  You always put family first.
23.  I love how you snore.
24.  When it's my birthday, one card isn't enough.  You always
       have cards everywhere to let me know you love me.
25.  You love nature.
26.  The way you laugh at your favorite TV shows.
27.  How you make people laugh with your cute little comments
       on FB.
28.  How sweet your kisses are.
29.  I love how you smell.
30.  I love that you are my Best Friend.
31.  I
32.  Love
33.  You
34.  Very,
35.  Very,
36.  Very,
37.  Much.....
38.  Happy
39.  Birthday
40.  Sam

Shug Sez.........

Happy Birthday.....Sam!


  1. How sweet! Happy Birthday to Sam! Hope he has a great one!

  2. I have to agree - He's a great guy - Happy Birthday to Sam!!

  3. Happy Birthday to Mr. Sam ! Enjoy!



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