Friday, October 22, 2010

Cycle of Life

My yesterday was no different from all the other normal days; at least that is what I thought.  I made an unexpected visit to my dad's house and ever since then, my mind has been flooded with thoughts about life. 

Disbelief, grief, fear, financial worry.....these are all common feelings when you recognize that the diagnosis of Dementia or Alzheimer's is real.......

When I walked in the door, I saw his face light up with complete joy because he realized that for the next few moments he didn't have to feel lonely or experience fear....He is sitting there in his favorite chair and I might say he was looking good .  Crisp shirt, starched jeans, the boots we gave him for Christmas a couple of years ago and his COWBOY HAT.  I gave him a hug and as I was about to let go, he wanted to know if he smelled good.  This was my dad....for as long as I can remember, he has had the good looks of a "Texas Ranger" and the smell of a cologne factory.....

Our visit was very nice and for the most part, he was able to keep up with the conversation.  Towards the end, I saw a little tear in his eye because he could not remember some of the grandkids names.  I assured him that most 80 year old people can not remember their grandchildren's names and that he shouldn't worry one bit about that.  He was satisfied when I assured him again that this happens with age.   (tear, tear)

When I came home, I wasn't quite ready to go inside, so I walked around the yard and looked at all of the sweet little kisses of Fall.  The leaves that have gently fallen to the ground and have found a resting place, the subtle faint of red color in the shrubs as they begin their winter wait, and the berries on my Pyracantha bush that turn a beautiful color of orange at the end of the growing season....

As I looked at all of my surroundings, I was reminded that our lives are like the colors of our seasons......Spring brings us brightness and excitement in a huge array of colors.   Summer brings us warmth like the colors of  red and yellow.  Fall displays the beautiful colors of orange mixed in with the reds, yellows, greens.  However, it is the shades of brown that quicken our minds to know that this season of life will soon fade away.
And then winter brings us the color of Blue....I didn't think of the blue as in cold.....I thought of the color of Blue as in Calmness, Tranquility, Safeness, Loyalty, and Peacefulness.....

It is so easy to be sad as we watch the lives of those we love change like the colors of the seasons.  BUT....God spoke to my heart that no matter what colors we face in life, we can always find rest in HIM and HE will give us PEACE!

Shug Sez........

The God that brings us Peace when we are on the mountains, is the same God that brings us Peace in the valley's!



  1. Good job, although I know it was tough writing it. Bless you.

  2. Beautiful writing. It brought tears to my eyes. Prayers going up for your sweet father.


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