Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fun in Strange Places

Oh Wow!   The somewhat cooler air outside feels great this morning. 

I faintly heard the hunters of the house getting ready to pack their gear and head out.....

Here is the picture I told you about yesterday of Tucker shooting an arrow straight into the middle of the other arrow.  Now if he can shoot one straight into a deer this morning, that will be GREAT.

When I woke up this morning and went to get out of my warm comfy bed, I literally had to touch my feet to see if they were still there.  Sam took the day off yesterday and we left out early for a trip to "First Monday."  I love that place this time of year....    I am thinking that we got there around 7:45 and off we went.  He went to the junk and I went to the pavilions. 

I was there ALL DAY long and believe me, my feet are aching this morning.  Sam went home around noon but Trista, Shanda, Tori, Mylee and Trey met up with me and we spent the rest of the evening looking at EVERYTHING.

Look at this cute little face.   That is exactly how our faces looked yesterday...We laughed and laughed until our faces hurt.  What else is there to do when you're having a great time?

This is Trey at the "John Deere" shop.  Oh my....He loved it!   Thought we were gonna have to drag him out of there.  But, I did get some good ideas about his Christmas gifts.

Pumpkins, Pumpkins everywhere!  This is a small alley that really has a lot of cute things.  Trista loved these pumpkins!
They were made out of metal and the lid lifted up in order for you to easily burn a candle in them.......

We did see so many of the Fall decorative items and trying to choose what to get was very difficult.

I fell in love with this green pottery......They had it in any color you wanted...Orange, red, blue....just name it, but the green was my favorite.  Did I buy a piece?  NO...way too expensive.

And then there was the best part.....FOOD

Any kind of food you wanted....Funnel cakes....Ears of Corn....Long corn dogs.....Pizza.  A Corn dog and drink,  $9.00.  Can you  believe that?  That was the price for only one of us.....Did we buy it.....NO, way too expensive. 

We found another little place with much cheaper food prices!

Yes.....girls and guys, my feet are hurting this morning, but I have to get rolling....I have to head out to town to collect the stuff to finish a project I am working on....

Hope you have a great Saturday.....

Shug Sez....

Make every day Great!


  1. Happy looks like you had a great time! I love the metal pumpkins!!

  2. I was there yesterday too! There was too much to see. Hope Tucker gets his deer today! Have a great day!


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