Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Happy Tuesday Morning!....
I stepped outside this morning and could not believe how warm it was....TEXAS weather, you just never know.  Some of the kids came by this morning wearing shorts, one had on a jacket, and one with long sleeves and jeans.
I thinking those that wore shorts made the right decision today.....(Of course they had on their shirts)

It's that time of year when we start to have CRAVING'S...It's Fall and our minds start to think about FOOD.  We have cravings for foods that we haven't eaten in a while.  If I think very hard about the "Chicken and Dressing" that my mother always made, my mouth starts to water and I start to have a hungering for the taste of "MOMS CORNBREAD DRESSING"

Not only does our body crave certain foods, but our heart has it's own yearnings as well.
As Fall settles in, we long for time spent with friends and wait in anticipation for the Holiday's so we can spend time with family and loved ones that perhaps we haven't seen in quite a while.

People are looking for a sense of fulfillment.
At this particular time of year, we find ourselves bubbling with Thankfulness and a desire to welcome an intimate relationship with God.  Our soul pants for Him! 

The Spirit knows our subtle moods and our soul-cravings.  We need to align our priorities with the desire that is our heart.
We need to drink deeply from His word and by doing so, we can Trust that God is there to satisfy our longings.......

Shug Sez.....

As the deer pants for water, my soul pants for our Heavenly Father!


  1. Yes, it is that time of year. I made some caramel corn during the weekend - yum, yum. Plan to spend time with good friends and family in November - looking forward to it!!

  2. It's a good things you make Mamaw's cornbread dressing just as good. I can just taste it now. It is one of my all time favorite foods. Still can't believe I made it last Thanksgiving. It's just not the same unless it's yours or Mamaw's though.

  3. Comfort food is the way to go right now--our weather has been cooler this week so it has been great to make these yummies!



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Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...