Monday, July 5, 2010

Richness of life

Can I celebrate the things like a 4th of July parade, fireworks in the sky, time spent with family and friends on Independence Day?
You bet I can, as long as their is Freedom in America!

This has been a terrific weekend!  One filled with Pride for our country, and one filled with laughter as we celebrated with our family and friends.

I love to celebrate all the things in life......
We spent Saturday with the kids in Frisco, rain and all!
Swimming, eating, shopping, watching the fireworks, spending time together as family, and celebrating the happiness of our love for one another. 

It is great to celebrate all the things in life and appreciate tomorrow as well.  We need to love our neighbor's, love our family, love our friends, and not condemn our life without a cause to be thankful for what we have.  We should never forget the people we love and we need to love them when we have every occasion to do so. 

We celebrated with wonderful friends on the 4th and the laughter that we shared was GREAT!  Can you imagine living life without friends?  I don't ever want to.  These are some of our BEST friends and because of them, it is easy to enjoy life......

Not only did we watch the fireworks, we celebrated what true friendship is really all about.  Celebrating the past, the now and the future.  I once heard it said that the most beautiful discoveries true friends make is that they can grow seperate without ever having to grow apart.  Those words are so true.  I am truly thankful for this group of friends that I love so dearly.

What better way to start a new week!  This past weekend has brought me so many smiles and much happiness.  I know that life will continue to be better and better because of the richness I share with my family and friends.

I must say thanks to all of you!


Be Thankful!

1 comment:

  1. Looking like fun!
    Friends are some of the greatest people aside
    from family!

    Happy holiday to you!



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