Thursday, July 1, 2010

Knock, Knock Trey

You might as well get ready for it.....I'm talking about my post for the next couple of weeks.  What do you think happens when you write about one grandchild?  You are exactly right.....the rest of them are saying, "What you gonna write about me?"

Trey walked around all day yesterday, trying to make up some kind of story so I could write about him.   He just could not come up with one and it was wearing him out.  I told him not to make one up, just be himself and when I saw something, I would write about it.

It was not my intentions to write about him today, (wink, wink)but while I'm on the subject of Trey, what better grandchild to write about than this cute little fellow......God has truly Blessed this child with the gift of laughter.  He laughs ALL THE TIME!

Sometimes, I think he just starts laughing at himself.  His laughs are so spontaneous and I must say they are quite contagious.  When he starts laughing, I start laughing and usually the other kids laugh too...

He has fun, no matter what he does and he giggles at everything. 

According to the dictionary, laughter is "the sounds and movements that our bodies make when we find something funny".  He must find a lot of things to be funny!

Did you know that on average, human beings laugh about 17 times a day....This would mean that Trey laughs about a 100 or so times a day.....Most of us laugh when we see something unusual or ridiculous.  We laugh when we make a mistake, we laugh at ourselves and we laugh when someone falls down.
Trey laughs at all of these things,  PLUS........a jillion other things!

He loves "Knock, Knock" jokes, even if they don't make sense.

See, his laughs are contagious!  I know your laughing right now.  Not sure if your laughing at the joke or if you're laughing at me because Trey made his way onto my post!! 

Hey, you gotta keep those babies happy and you know that this Shug is going to make that happen.....
I hope you do laugh today and if you want to laugh at me that's even better!!  At least you'll be laughing at something FUNNY..  I can promise you that Trey will be Laughing!


It is true, Laughter is good for the soul.....Laugh and then laugh some more!!!!

1 comment:

  1. "Thank you for writing it on there". This is from Trey. He loved it and laughed while I read it to him.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

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